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Teknik Informatika Universitas Diponegoro

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Presentasi berjudul: "Teknik Informatika Universitas Diponegoro"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Teknik Informatika Universitas Diponegoro
Sistem Multimedia Teknik Informatika Universitas Diponegoro

2 Konsep Pembelajaran Teori, termasuk pengetahuan kuliah2 sebelumnya
Presentasi, diskusi Praktek, membuat produk padat karya (bkn padat modal) Kreatif, inovatif Manfaat, Sasaran, Nilai jual

3 Fokus materi: The media learning goals

4 Alat Pendukung buku referensi
IDE drjava Book Classes Media tools Media Sources

5 Agenda 1. Pengantar Pembagian kelompok (8)
Referensi  Int to Compt and Progr in Java: A Multimedia Approach, dll CH 4 (presentasi + diskusi, max 30 mnt) 2. Presentasi: ch 5, 6, 7 (pictures), 8 (sound) 3. Presentasi: ch 9, 10 (sounds), 12(text), 14 (movies) 4. Presentasi: more methods for pictures, sound, text and movies 5. Presentasi: more methods for pictures, sound, text and movies 6. Diskusi, tanya jawab 7. Presentasi: Tugas besar

6 Nilai (50%) Tugas (10%) + UAS (40%)
Presentasi : 20%  Nilai kelompok + nilai individu Proyek 1 : 5%  Proyek 2 : 5%  UAS : 20%  Praktek/ Tertulis

7 Chapter 4 The media learning goals :
To understand how images are digitized by taking advantage of limits in human vision. To identify different models for color, including RGB, the most common one for computers. To manipulate color values in pictures, like increasing or decreasing red values. To convert a color picture to grayscale, using more than one method. To convert a color picture to its negative representation.

8 Chapter 4 Exercise: Increasing/ decreasing Red (green, blue)
Clear blue Sunset effect Negative Gray scale Luminance

9 Contoh-contoh produk berbasis rekayasa gambar
Keperluan umum: Editor Foto/ gambar Pengatur warna, Efek sunset, Membuat negatif, dll Permainan: Tebak warna : Memilah warna : Edukasi: Belajar warna dalam bahasa inggris Mewarnai gambar Kesehatan Test buta warna


11 Pertemuan berikutnya 1. Pengantar 2. Presentasi: ch 5, 6, 7 (pictures), 8 (sound) 3. Presentasi: ch 9, 10 (sounds), 12(text), 14 (movies) 4. Presentasi: more methods for pictures and sound 5. Presentasi: more methods for text and movies 6. Diskusi, tanya jawab 7. Presentasi: Tugas besar

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