Demokrasi catatan kuliah isu global kontemporer.

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1 demokrasi catatan kuliah isu global kontemporer

2 demokrasi ciri? kelebihan? kekurangan? kapan perlu? kapan tidak perlu?

3 ciri demokrasi

4 kelebihan demokrasi

5 kekurangan demokrasi

6 mengapa perlu demokrasi

7 kapan tidak perlu demokrasi

8 demokrasi? dari, oleh, untuk rakyat siapa rakyat? semua orang
sebagian besar orang (yang menjadi bagian kelompok mayoritas) sebagian orang (yang memiliki akses) sebagian kecil orang (di dalam atau dekat dengan lingkaran kekuasaan)

9 demokrasi a la David Held
“a form of government in which, in contradistinction to monarchies and aristocracies, the people rule… (and it) entails a state in which there is some form of political equality among the people”

10 demokrasi a la David Held
aid to decision-making process: means to legitimate the decisions of those voted into power popular power: a form of life in which citizens are engaged in self-government and self-regulation

11 demokrasi a la Iris Marion Young
aggregative model: a competitive power-oriented process, fosters exclusion, results in weaker legitimacy deliberative model: a collective problem solving process, fosters inclusion, results in higher legitimacy

12 demokrasi a la Held, Dahl, Linz, Stephan, Huntington,
procedural: focuses on whether or not ‘democratic mechanisms’ exist substantive: focuses on whether or not ‘democratic values’ are exercised and met

13 demokrasi a la Arend Lijphart
majoritarian model: majority of the people consensus model: as many people as possible

14 demokrasi a la Giovanni Sartori
absolute majority: a system of simple and pure majority rule limited majority: a system of majority rule limited by minority rights

15 demokrasi/demokratisasi
mendorong kekerasan? mendorong perdamaian?

16 demokratisasi & kekerasan
Jack Snyder: predemocratic popular rivalries elite persuasion Lee, Lindstrom, Moore, Turan: ties government’s hands, creates more space for popular uprising ready for mobilisation Przeworski: weakness of the centre

17 demokratisasi & perdamaian
kebebasan, hak dasar, peaceful coexistence menghindari penumpukan kekuasaan memperluas arena power struggle antarkelompok pengaturan mekanistis

18 serba-serbi demokrasi
550 konsep philosopher king dari, oleh, untuk rakyat trias politica check and balance partisipasi publik akuntabilitas, transparansi

19 serba-serbi demokrasi
jatuhnya diktator - extrication waves (and reverses): , , 1970-? consolidation: 2 turn over-test tyranny of majority hukum besi oligarki trust civil liberty - culture of peace

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