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Learner Centered Education Implikasi Dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum & Pembelajaran (part I) Prof. Dr.Ir. Ichsan Setya Putra Telkom University 27 Januari.

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1 Learner Centered Education Implikasi Dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum & Pembelajaran (part I) Prof. Dr.Ir. Ichsan Setya Putra Telkom University 27 Januari 2014

2 TOPIK PEMBICARAAN Paradigma Sebagai Cara Pandang Learner Centered Education (LCE) Learner Centered Curriculum LCE Implementation

3 Paradigma Sebagai Cara Memandang

4 Learning As Knowledge Transmission? Lila M. Smith

5 Lecture As Knowledge Transmission

6 Mahasiswa Mengantuk ??? Boring Lecture!!!

7 Student Construct Meaning from Experiences Learning As Knowledge Construction?

8 How the Brain Works

9 Learning Principles (1) Learning is fundamentally about making and maintaining connections: biologically through neural networks; mentally among concepts, ideas, meanings; experientially through interaction between the mind and the environment, self and other, generality and context, deliberation and action. AAHE, A Powerful Partnerships: A Shared Responsibility for Learning visited 16/04/2003 Mengajar Efektif & Kreatif Prof. Dr. Ichsan S. Putra - Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA

10 Learning Neural network Conceptual network Physical network – People – Content

11 Learning-increasing connections

12 Learning Principles (2) Learning is an active search for meaning –constructing knowledge rather than passively receiving it, shaping as well as being shaped by experiences. AAHE, A Powerful Partnerships: A Shared Responsibility for Learning visited 16/04/2003 Mengajar Efektif & Kreatif Prof. Dr. Ichsan S. Putra - Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA

13 Learning Principles (3) Learning is done by individuals who are intrinsically tied to others as social beings, interacting as competitors or collaborators, constraining or supporting the learning process, and able to enhance learning through cooperation and sharing. AAHE, A Powerful Partnerships: A Shared Responsibility for Learning visited 16/04/2003 Mengajar Efektif & Kreatif Prof. Dr. Ichsan S. Putra - Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA

14 Lila M. Smith Collaborative Learning: Creating Learning Environment to Help Students Construct Meaning

15 TOPIK PEMBICARAAN Paradigma Sebagai Cara Pandang Learner Centered Education (LCE) Learner Centered Curriculum LCE Implementation

16 Learner Centered Education (1)... pembelajaran berpusat pada siswa (LCE) berorientasi pada kebutuhan, kemampuan, minat dan pola belajar mahasiswa, dimana pengajar berperan sebagai fasilitator proses pembelajaran. Dalam LCE mahasiswa dituntut untuk berperan lebih aktif sebagai partisipan yang bertanggung jawab thd proses pembelajaran bagi dirinya. LCE harus menjadi salah satu parameter utama dalam proses perancangan kurikulum, kandungan materi & metode pembelajaran Keputusan SA ITB No 11/SK/11-SA/OT/2012: Pedoman Kurikulum 2013-2018 Institut Teknologi Bandung


18 THE ONE WHO DOES THE WORK DOES THE LEARNING T. Doyle: Learner Centered Teaching, Putting Research on Learning into Practice, Stylus 2011, p1

19 WHAT WE DO Deciding the content to be taught Organize the content into lectures Lecturing, giving assignment, midterm exam, final exam, grading Repeat the last next year P. Blumberg: Developing Learner Centered Teaching, p.3, Jossey Bass, 2008

20 DO YOU HAVE THESE PROBLEMS? Students forgot what you taught after the final examination Students can not apply their knowledge in a new situation (near transfer) Students can not solve problems (far transfer) P. Blumberg: Developing Learner Centered Teaching, p.3, Jossey Bass, 2008

21 CALL FOR REFORM Changing the focus from what lecturers do to what students are learning Old paradigm: instructor-centered teaching New paradigm: learner centered teaching P. Blumberg: Developing Learner Centered Teaching, p.3, Jossey Bass, 2008

22 WHY INSTRUCTOR CENTERED IS NOT EFFECTIVE Students memorize materials without understanding → often do not remember materials they studied earlier P. Blumberg: Developing Learner Centered Teaching, p.4, Jossey Bass, 2008

23 CHANGE OF OUR ROLE Instructor-centered: givers of information Learner-centered: facilitators of student learning or creators of an environment for learning. P. Blumberg: Developing Learner Centered Teaching, p.3, Jossey Bass, 2008

24 SOME RESISTANCE Content coverage is very important Pre-requisite course Accreditation P. Blumberg: Developing Learner Centered Teaching, p.4, Jossey Bass, 2008

25 WIDESPREAD SUPPORT The growth of colleges & universities (in 2005: 972 with 844.000 students involved) using The National Survey of Student Engagement P. Blumberg: Developing Learner Centered Teaching, p.4, Jossey Bass, 2008

26 TOPIK PEMBICARAAN Paradigma Sebagai Cara Pandang Learner Centered Education (LCE) Learner Centered Curriculum LCE Implementation

27 Learner Centered Curriculum Postmodernism Curriculum Design: Richness Recursion Relation Rigor R. Cullen, M. Harris, R.R. Hill: The Learner Centered Curriculum, Design & Implementation, Jossey Bass, 2012

28 Richness Rich in breadth & depth to encourage meaning making But not too many subjects, teach them thoroughly → students learn deeply R. Cullen, M. Harris, R.R. Hill: The Learner Centered Curriculum, Design & Implementation, Jossey Bass, 2012

29 Recursion A spiral approach develops curriculum around recurring, ever-deepening inquiries into big ideas & important tasks... Learners actively engage with knowledge over a periods of time, revising, reflecting,& actively constructing their understanding in the context of their accumulated knowledge & experience R. Cullen, M. Harris, R.R. Hill: The Learner Centered Curriculum, Design & Implementation, Jossey Bass, 2012

30 For Students: Rehearsal Arthur Rubinstein

31 Relations Relationship between parts is more important than disconnected units. The process of learning involves students seeing things from multiple perspectives & understanding the effect of different contexts. R. Cullen, M. Harris, R.R. Hill: The Learner Centered Curriculum, Design & Implementation, Jossey Bass, 2012

32 Rigor Provide learners with integrative learning: learning that is organized around problems or issues rather than discipline content Intergrative learning strategies: inquiry skills, problem solving, critical thinking, experiential learning Learners become autonomous, self-directed, & persistent in their learning → develop lifelong learning strategies R. Cullen, M. Harris, R.R. Hill: The Learner Centered Curriculum, Design & Implementation, Jossey Bass, 2012

33 TOPIK PEMBICARAAN Paradigma Sebagai Cara Pandang Learner Centered Education (LCE) Learner Centered Curriculum LCE Implementation

34 Principles Guiding Implementation 1.Let students do more learning tasks 2.Do less telling so that students can do more discovering 3.Do instructional design work more carefully 4.More explicitly model how experts learn 5.Encourage students to learn from & with each other 6.Faculty & students work to create climates for learning 7.Use evaluation to promote learning M.Weimer: Learner Centered Teaching, p.72, Jossey Bass, 2013

35 Lima Dimensi LCE The Function of Content The Role of Instructor The Responsibility for Learning The Purpose & Process of Assessment The Balance of Power

36 Apa Bisa Di Mata Kuliah Saya? Dapat diterapkan pada semua mata kuliah Perubahan tidak harus pada semua dimensi Perubahan dilakukan bertahap Perlu dilakukan secara terencana

37 The Function of Content Varied the use of content: – building knowledge base – know why they need to learn the content – use inquiry or ways of thinking in the discipline – learn to solve real problems Use of content to facilitate future learning

38 The Role of Instructor Creation an environment for learning: – organization Aligning objectives, teaching methods & assessment methods Designing activities involving students, instructors & content interactions Motivating students

39 PROSEDUR MEMBUAT DBB/FBD 1.Tentukan bagian sistem yang akan diisolasi 2.Isolasi system → gambar batasnya 3.Gambarkan seluruh gaya yang bekerja pada sistem yang telah diisolasi termasuk gaya berat dan gaya tumpuan (asumsikan arahnya) 4.Gambarkan sistem koordinat & dimensi yang diperlukan

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