SI00014 – Perancangan Basisdata M01 – Perkenalan dan kontrak By: Muhammad Davi, S.Kom Blog :

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1 SI00014 – Perancangan Basisdata M01 – Perkenalan dan kontrak By: Muhammad Davi, S.Kom Email : Blog : HP: 087890703851

2 Application DBMSs ->1231001-1231035  Contoh-contoh App. DBMSs  Kegunaannya

3 DBMS  Macam-macam DBMS  Perbandingan DBMS Kelompok 2 (123043-1231081)

4  Hanya dibolehkan memakai pakaian sopan dan rapi sesuai dengan Manner UIB. Jika tidak, silahkan pulang.  Berbicara yang sopan dan baik. Jika tidak, sebaiknya diam.  Waktu keterlambatan hanya 15 menit. Jika lebih, tidak boleh presensi. Kalau yang telat (+15 menit) itu yang ngajar??? Kita pulang aja semua, okey…!!! Tata Tertib dan Kontrak

5  Boleh membawa makanan dan minuman ke kelas dengan syarat harus cukup untuk dibagikan ke semua peserta kelas. Jika tidak, makan aja sendiri di kamar mandi.  Boleh bermain game saat jam belajar karna saya tahu Anda sangat menginginkan nilai C di mata kuliah ini.  Tugas yang dikumpulkan harus selalu sesuai format dan jujur. Jika tidak, berarti Anda tidak mengumpulkan tugas. Tata Tertib dan Kontrak

6  Kehadiran : 10%  Tugas : 15%  Kuis : 15%  UTS : 30%  UAS : 30% + Nilai Akhir: 100% Penilaian

7  Connolly, Thomas & Carolyn Begg. 2004. Database Solutions A step-by-step guide to building databases, Second. England: Pearson Education Limited Referensi

8 Objectives:  Mengerti dan memahami basisdata.  Memahami Database Management System.  Memahami perancangan database.  Mengerti keuntungan dan kerugian Sistem Manajemen Database. Introduction

9  What is a Database? A shared collection of logically related data (and a description of this data), designed to meet the information needs of an organization. Introduction

10  DBMS A software system that enables users to define, create, and maintain the database and also provides controlled access to this database. Database Management System

11  Application program A computer program that interacts with the database by issuing an appropriate request (typically an SQL statement) to the DBMS. Application programs (database)

12  Hardware  Software  Data  Procedures  Poeple Components of the DBMS

13  A client program that handles the main business and data rocessing logic and interfaces with the user;  A server program (DBMS engine) that manages and controls acess to the database. DBMS architectures

14  Data storage, retrieval, and update  A user-accessible catalog  Transaction support  Concurrency control services  Recovery services  Autorization services  Support for data communication  Integrity services  Services to promote data independence  Utility services Functions of a DBMS

15  Control of data redundancy  Data consistency  Sharing of data  Improved data integrity  Improved maintenance through data independence Advantages of DBMSs

16  Complexity  Cost of DBMS  Cost of Conversion  Performance  Higher impact of a failure Disadvantages of DBMSs

17 Task  DBMS  Application DBMS Any question?

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