Pengendalian Kualitas

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1 Pengendalian Kualitas

2 Evolusi Pengendalian Kualitas ( Feigenbaum , 1988 )
Year Period Operator Quality Control Foreman Quality Control Inspection Quality Control Statistical Quality Control Total Quality Control TQC Organizationwide Total Quality System

3 DEFINISI KWALITAS (1) Kesesuaian untuk dipakai sehingga menimbulkan kepuasan pemakai Kemampuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pemakai saat ini ataupun seterusnya, baik yang diucapkan pemakai secara lisan maupun yang tidak Karakteristik yang membedakan barang yang baik dan yang tidak

4 DEFINISI KWALITAS (2) gambaran total sifat dari suatu produk atau jasa pelayanan yang berhubungan dengan kemampuannya untuk memberikan kebutuhan kepuasan. ASQC (American Society for Quality Control) kesesuaian spesifikasi untuk penggunaan (fitness for use). J.M. Juran

5 DEFINISI KWALITAS (3) apapun yang menjadi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen. W. Edwards Deming kesesuaian terhadap permintaan persyaratan (The conformance of requirements). Philip B. Crosby, 1979. seluruh gabungan sifat-sifat produk atau jasa pelayanan dari pemasaran, engineering, manufaktur, dan pemeliharaan di mana produk atau jasa pelayanan dalam penggunaannya akan bertemu sesuai harapan pelanggan Dr. Armand V. Feigenbaum

6 Pengertian Kualitas Konsumen

7 Bagaimana pengertian kualitas menurut konsumen di Indonesia..??

8 The Eight Dimensions of Quality
Performance Reliability Durability Serviceability Aesthetics Features Perceived Quality Conformance to Standards

Teknik – teknik operasional dan kegiatan – kegiatan yang menjaga kwalitas dari suatu barang atau jasa sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pemakai Kegiatan – kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk memastikan kwalitas sebuah produk, sehingga konsumen dapat membelinya dengan penuh kepercayaan dan dapat menggunakannya dalam jangka panjang dengan puas hati Tindakan sistimatis dan terencana yang ditujukan untuk meyakinkan bahwa suatu barang atau jasa dapat memenuhi tingkat kwalitas yang diinginkan Sistem dari sarana produksi oleh mana kwalitas dari barang dan jasa dihasilkan secara ekonomis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pemakai

10 Benefits of Quality Control
Improvement in the quality of products and services The system is continually evaluated and modified to meet changing needs of the customer Improve productivity Reduce cost in the long run Improvement in meeting customer due date Maintain an environment of forever striving for the goal of continued improvement

11 Responsibility for Quality
Marketing and product planning Product design and development Manufacturing engineering Purchasing Manufacturing Inspection and testing Packaging and shipping Customer Service

12 Quality and Reliability
Reliability refers to the ability of a product to function effectively over a certain period of time when in use by the customer Reliability ~ quality of performance

13 Total Quality System (1)
The collective plans , activities and events that are provided to ensure that a product, process, or service will satisfy given needs ( ANSI/ASQC , 1987 ) Elements of Total Quality System Policy , Planning , organization and administration Product design assurance, specification development and control

14 Total Quality System (2)
Elements of Total Quality System Control of purchase materials and component parts Production quality control User contact and field performance Corrective action Employee selection , training and motivation Legal requirements-product liability and user safety Sampling and other statistical techniques

15 Quality Improvement Never ending process, and effort to reduce the variability of a process and reduce the production of nonconforming items should continue forever The three stages of quality improvement Commitment stage Consolidation stage Maturity stage

16 Quality Costs ( ASQC , 1971) Prevention cost Appraisal cost
Internal failure cost External failure cost

17 Cost of Quality

18 Mengapa Cost of Quality itu Penting?
Rata-rata 5-25% dari sales turnover Rata-rata 95% dari cost of quality adalah dalam bentuk Failure cost dan Appraisal cost Upaya meningkatkan daya saing melalui reducing cost Cost of quality bukan hanya di Quality Dept. saja Membuat perencanaan mutu yang lebih baik

19 Mengapa Mengukur Cost of Quality?
Kesulitan bagian akuntansi dalam memilah COQ Untuk menyampaikan mutu dalam bahasa bisnis Ada yang parameter untuk mengukur quality improvement

20 Grafik Cost of Quality Traditional Model of Quality Costs TO TO 8 8
Total quality costs o f Failure costs t n i u d t o c o u g d o r e p r p Cost of appraisal plus prevention s t o C 100 Quality of conformance, %

21 Management of Quality Management Product Action
function phase to be taken Plan Proposal Develop quality policy Plan for quality Organize Design Design assurance Dev. Prod. Quality Plan. Staff Pre-production Select employee Train employee Direct Production Monitor process Direct inspection Control Post production Obtain Quality Inform. Manage quality costs

22 Quality and Productivity
Effect on costs Prevention and appraisal costs Internal and external cost Effect on Market Market share Competitive position

23 Quiz 1 Define quality and explain its role in the modern business environment ? What are the benefits of quality control ? Explain how quality affects cost and productivity ?

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