Indonesian Poultry Industry Opportunities and Competitiveness

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Presentasi berjudul: "Indonesian Poultry Industry Opportunities and Competitiveness"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Indonesian Poultry Industry Opportunities and Competitiveness
Sudirman Chairman of GPMT National Seminar : Improving The Enabling Environment for Agribusiness and Agroindustry Competitiveness Program Pascasarjana Manajemen dan Bisnis – Institut Pertanian Bogor Four Season Hotel Jakarta, 21 May 2011

2 Industrial Poultry Production
1 10 X 170 GGPs 8050 GPs Ps Broilers MT of Meat

3 POULTRY SUPPLY CHAIN Pure Line Master Breeders Grand Parent Stock
Farms Parent Stock Farms Hatcheries Feedmill Broiler Farm Primary Processing Plant (RPA) Further-Processing Plant Suppliers of Raw Material Corn, SBM, Multi Vitamins, etc Supply Chain : Corn Drying Trading

4 Growth Trend in Poultry Meat Global Production (in millions tons)
Source: FAO Food Outlook, June 2009

5 Producer Prices of Chicken Meat In Selected Countries (USD/Ton of Live Weight)
Source: Statistics Division 2009

6 Consumption of Poultry Meat in Selected Countries (kg/capita/year)
Source: FAO Food Outlook, June 2009

7 Consumption Pattern Source : Rabo Bank

8 Industri Perunggasan Indonesia?
Industri yang mandiri ! Potensi pasar sangat besar ! Konsumsi rendah !

9 Alokasi APBN Kementerian Pertanian 2011
Unggas? Sumber : Nota Keuangan dan RAPBN 2011

10 Potensi ∑Konsumen = ƒ Populasi ∑Konsumsi = ƒ Daya beli
∆ Industri Unggas = 2∆ Ekonomi

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