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DETERMINAN PERKEMBANGAN WILAYAH 1. T enaga kerja 2. Modal 3. Pasar 4. Teknologi 5. Sumberdaya alam 6. Perlengkapan manufaktur.

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Presentasi berjudul: "DETERMINAN PERKEMBANGAN WILAYAH 1. T enaga kerja 2. Modal 3. Pasar 4. Teknologi 5. Sumberdaya alam 6. Perlengkapan manufaktur."— Transcript presentasi:



3 1. T enaga kerja 2. Modal 3. Pasar 4. Teknologi 5. Sumberdaya alam 6. Perlengkapan manufaktur

4 PROBLEM?  Keenam determinan tsb sangat jarang ditemukan bersama-sama dalam satu wilayah pengembangan

5 TERPISAH Image courtesy by:,,,,

6 SOLUSI? Keenam determinan tsb dapat dipertemukan dg lines of movement (communication system)

7 Image courtesy by:,,,,

8 DETERMINAN PERKEMBANGAN WILAYAH Jika telah tercipta communication system, maka akan menciptakan economic activity Economic activity dapat mempengaruhi regional development Regional developmnet akan menyebabkan industrial and agricultural progesses

9 The more advanced a country becomes, the more extensive, efficient, and important, will be its systems of transport and telecommunication and the more “certain” its continued economic expansion. The basic function of transportation and communication is the conquest of space (distance) and time ASSUMPTION?

10 ASSUMPTION ► Man has “ sense of territoriality ”, he identifies life and activities within specific places, it changes through time parallel with the development of science and technology ► The uniqueness of spaces exchange of goods, information, services and people need transport and communication

11 Permukiman yang sangat tergantung pada transportasi air

12 Di wilayah yang belum berkembang hubungan antar bagian wilayah hanya dihubungkan oleh jembatan bambu

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