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BEFORE THE GAME. What do you like best about, being at a baseball game ? The players The game is interesting The snacks are delicious.

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Presentasi berjudul: "BEFORE THE GAME. What do you like best about, being at a baseball game ? The players The game is interesting The snacks are delicious."— Transcript presentasi:


2 What do you like best about, being at a baseball game ? The players The game is interesting The snacks are delicious

3 The Sensory Imagery in this poem makes you feel that you are really at a baseball game. Sausages snap  taste, smell Sizzle with onions on the grill  feel Scorecard, ohh- ficial scorecard  see Laugh, shove  feel Cheese oozes  taste, smell Joy  feel The perfume of popcorn & boiled hot dogs fills the air  smell

4 Pennants wave on the souvenir stand Sausages snap, Sizzle with onions on the grill Girls with mitts Practice catches to be made Scorecard Ohh- ficial scorecard Boys, wearing caps of faraway teams, Laugh, shove Peanut shells crunch Underfoot Cheese oozes Over nachos Joy Thick as the perfume of popcorn and Boiled hot dogs Fills the air As Tickets takers call, This way This way to the game

5 Sebelum permainan Kibaran bendera pada stan suvenir Gigitan sosis, Memanggang bawang dengan suara mendesis, Perempuan dengan sarung tangan, Latihan menangkap untuk mencapai Kartu penilai, Ohhh, ficial scorecard, Laki’’ menggunakan topi dari tim pendatang, Tertawa, mendorong, Kulit kacang yang renyah, Dibawah kaki, Lumuran keju, Diatas nachos, Kegembiraan, Tebal seperti bau dari popcorn Dan hotdog rebus, Mengisi udara seperti pengecek tiket memanggil, Jalan ini, Jalan ini ke pertandingan.

6 1.Which sense do you use on line 7-8, when someone calls out ‘’scorecard ohh-ficial scorecard’’ ? Hearing 2.What images in the poem make you use your sense of smell ? Hearing? Taste? Touch? Smell  sausages snap Hearing  scorecard Taste  sausages, cheese nachos, hotdog, popcorn Touch  peanut shell crunch 3.Which image do you think makes you use only your sense of sight? Pennants wave

7 See on page 97

8 Workbook page 97 1.Sausages snap, sizzle with onions  smelling, hearing, tasting 2.Ohhh-ficial scorecard  hearing 3.Cheese oozes over nachos  tasting & sight 4.Girls with mitts practice  Sight and hearing

9 Workbook page 97 Sitting at the circus  hearing, sight Playing in the snow  touch, sight

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