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Seminar Nasional Internet & Multimedia

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1 Seminar Nasional Internet & Multimedia
“ Mengupayakan Warnet menjadi Bisnis yang sehat dan Kreatif “ By Hendry Purbonegoro © Sept 2000


KEUNTUNGAN USAHA Hasil survei di Inggris Keuntungan Pengembangan Kelanggengan

4 Latar Belakang Bisnis Warnet
Kebutuhan Akses Internet Daya beli masyarakat akan PC Peluang Bisnis Persaingan

5 Trend Warnet “Copy Cat”
Meniru yang sudah ada, tanpa perhitungan bisnis yang matang Persaingan bebas, tetapi tidak sehat Hanya menjual akses dan kenyamanan berakses Bermain harga

6 Bertahan dalam persaingan
“Menjiwai” usahanya Profesional dalam berbisnis Tidak hanya menjual akses Kreatif dalam pengembangan usahanya  Terapkan prinsip marketing !!!

7 4 Prinsip Marketing Prinsip 1
“Marketing is solving someone else’s problem” Prinsip 2 “It is not what you are selling…it is what customers are buying that’s important” Prinsip 3 “In service marketing, perception is reality. Make your products tangible, so customers know what they got. “ Prinsip 4 “Marketing is more than promotion… Use all five P’s for effective marketing: promotion, product, price, place, and public/people”

8 Prinsip 1: Marketing is solving customers’ problems…
What problems are you solving for the One-Stop’s “Warnet” business customers? Focus on solving problems, not providing services… Sell The Benefits, Not The Features

9 Sell The Benefits, Not The Features
Features are What the product or service is How the product or service is made How the product or service is funded Benefits are How the product or service will solve the problem What problems the product or service will solve

10 Tips for Effective Benefit Statements
Use the "so what?" test. Explain what customers will gain. Also explain what will not be lost. Go for the emotional benefit as well as the logical reasons. Use short, easy to understand words.

11 Prinsip 2 : What Customers Are Buying Is Important…
Four Key Points The sales question is what are you selling… The marketing question is what are customers buying…what do they want… Customer satisfaction is selling what customers are buying… Effective marketing ensures a mutual exchange of value…

12 Prinsip 3 : Perception Is Reality…
Understand that when you are marketing intangibles and services, the product is what you say it is. When you sell intangibles... You must tell customers what they will get. You must tell customers they are getting it. You must tell customers they got it. You must develop tangibles or customers will not know what services they got.

13 Seek tangibility by... Putting it in writing
Delivering products that reflect process steps Naming the savings (e.g., time, money) Reporting progress frequently and maintaining contact Asking customers to share their satisfaction with Your services

14 a. Tell customers what they are going to get!
Since services are intangible, words (written and spoken) give shape and tangibility to Your products and services. Specifically, you must a. Tell customers what they are going to get! Entice them to choose to use your services. There are two risks here: (1) Under-statement of services. Services don’t appeal to customers. (2) Over-statement of services. Customers’ expectations are so high that even if they receive great service they’ll be disappointed.

15 b. Tell customers that they are getting it!
Continually remind customers of the value of the One-Stop service. Many times after customers begin to use a service they hit the inevitable roadblock. Unless you remind them of the value of the service they are getting, they might forget why they wanted the service. c. Tell customers that they got it! Customers rapidly forget what was received. Remind them of the value of the service they received.

16 Prinsip 4 : Marketing Is More Than "Promotion"
The Five Ps of Marketing are l. Public - Whose problem is solved? One market, many segments, many solutions 2. Product - What is the solution? Packaging the product to meet the customers’ needs What Are you Selling ? Are you selling what customers are buying ? Offering customers specific services Stating the results 3. Price - How much for what? Cost: ---Lower them Value: Show the worth---Increase it

17 4. Place - Where, when, and how buy?
Making it easy to buy Asking at the right time 5. Promotion - Why buy? - Selling the benefits; tailoring the benefits - Repeating a variety of marketing methods - Showing how the customers’ problem will be solved - Building credibility and rapport

18 Warnet sebagai bisnis yang SEHAT
Kembali ke 3 point tujuan usaha/bisnis PROFITABLE Berkembang ( Development ) Langgeng


20 Sifat umum Usaha Warnet saat ini
Buka warnet jika memiliki Lokasi Koneksi Manajemen + modal Sifatnya statis …. Itu-itu saja Padahal warnet memiliki potensi yang lebih dan sifat unik yang berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya juga berbeda dari wartel Tanpa kreatifitas maka warnet yang “bergaya wartel” akan mati !!!

21 Yang dimiliki Warnet Komputer PC multiguna
Koneksi ke JALUR KOMUNIKASI/Internet Ruangan yang memadai

22 What we could do with what we have ??
With WHAT WE HAVE, not with WHAT IF WE HAVE ? Baru setelah optimalisasi, kita melangkah ke IF………

Warnet yang hanya menjual akses plus Hanya memiliki satu produk Sifatnya statis tidak adanya sifat komunitas

24 Paradigma Baru Warnet yang tidak hanya menjual akses
Ciptakan komunitas Buat sifat unik yang hanya ada di warnet anda Kembangkan produk yang menjawab kebutuhan ( MUDAH, MURAH, CEPAT ) Beri nilai tambah !!!

25 Warnet bisa dibawa kemana ?
Warnet sebagai Usaha JASA INFORMASI Warnet sebagai tempat Komunikasi alternatif Warnet Sebagai Titik Penjualan Warnet Sebagai Titik Pembelian Warnet Sebagai tempat Pelatihan Warnet Sebagai tempat “Hiburan” etc

26 Warnet sebagai bisnis yang KREATIF
Sifat warnet yang “customer lokal wawasan global”. Terhubung ke internet yang tidak terbatas, memungkinkan kemungkinan pengembangan warnet yang tidak terbatas BATASANNYA ADALAH IDE KREATIF KITA !!!

27 Terimakasih atas perhatiannya
Penutup Sisi warnet sebagai bisnis yang bersifat tidak terbatas perkembangannya. Seringkali kita lah yang membatasinya JUST DO IT ! Terimakasih atas perhatiannya Hendry Purbonegoro © Sept 2000

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