Selamat Datang Sekolah Lorne Aireys-Inlet P12. Sekolah Lorne-Aireys Inlet P12 terletak dekat pantai dan hutan! Lorne School is located close to the beach.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Selamat Datang Sekolah Lorne Aireys-Inlet P12. Sekolah Lorne-Aireys Inlet P12 terletak dekat pantai dan hutan! Lorne School is located close to the beach."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Selamat Datang Sekolah Lorne Aireys-Inlet P12

2 Sekolah Lorne-Aireys Inlet P12 terletak dekat pantai dan hutan! Lorne School is located close to the beach and the forest.

3 Sekolah Lorne-Aireys Inlet berumur seratus tiga puluh tahun didirikan 1879. Sekolah Lorne-Aireys Inlet adalah sekolah permerintah. Lorne-Aireys Inlet school is a hundred and thirty years old and was established in 1879. It is a government school.

4 Ada bermacam fasilitas olahraga di sekolah ini. There are a variety of sports facilities at this school.

5 Ada fasilitas bermain untuk yang mereka masih mudah. Playground facilities for the young at heart.

6 Ada bermacam siswa yang mengikuti kegiatan sekolah. Here are a variety of students Involved in school activities.

7 Ini guru Bahasa Indonesia bekerja dengan keras. This is the Indonesian teacher hard at work.

8 Hari olahraga atletik.Athletics sports day.

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