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Diterbitkan olehRully Sarira Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
BAR CONTROL METHODS METHODS OF THEAFT OR FRAUD as discussed in the preceding chapter, controling the beverage storeroom is relatively easy using the procedures outlined. Unfortunately, controlling the bar is not at easy, particularly when the bartender is also responsible for handling cash from beverage sales. Many situations may permit theft if a bartender or beverage is dishonest:
1. Mengunakan alat ukur yang tidak standart 2. Menambah liquor dengan air ( gin, vodka) yang tidak merubah warna 3. Membeli liquor secara personal dan di jual kepada pelanggan dan tidak dimasukkan kedalam bill 4. Mengisi botol brand ternama dengan brand biasa 5. Menjual minuman dan melaporkan sebagai minuman rusak atau tamu tidak bayar (pergi) 6. Overcharging 7. Overpouring drink to get tip or guest to “buy “ the bartender drink 8. Reusing an already paid sales check
9. Mengilangkan captain Order dan biil 10. Membawa botol kosong ke gudang dan minta di gantiyang baru tanpa di rekord dan di jual 11. Mengunakan legitimate credit card ( open credit card) 12. Memecahkan botol yang tidak terpakai dan melaporkan sebagai kecelakaan 13. Memberikan takaran ( alcoholic) yang sedikit dan di perbanyak yang non alkohol
PRELIMINARY CONTROL REQUIREMENT 1. Standart recipes 2. Glassware 3. Advantages or standart recipes. The major advantages of having standard recipe are : - drink will be consistent -written recipes and drink mixing procedures simplify training new employees -management may reduce its supervision -bottles of liquor will yield a predictable amout
4. Costing drink 5. Measuring devices 6. Sales checks 7. Keeping full bottle sales seperate 8. Interbar transfers 9. Spillage allowance : - requisition control - standart cost control - quantity (ounce) control - standart revenue control
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