SI527 - ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning)

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1 SI527 - ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning)
Session 05 Production and Operation Information System Wahyu Sardjono, S.Si, MM Universitas Multmedia Nusantara

2 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
Marketing and Sales Determine pricing Take customer orders Create sales forecast M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

3 Production and Materials Management
Planning Need accurate forecasts from Marketing and Sales Compare costs with Accounting M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

4 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

5 Production and Materials Management at Fitter Snacker
Must answer the following questions: How much of each bar should be produced? What quantities of raw materials should be ordered? When should raw materials be ordered M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

6 General Approaches to Production
Make-to-stock: Items produced in anticipation of orders Make-to-order: Items produced to meet specific customer orders Assemble to order: Final product assembled from make-to-stock items M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

7 Fitter Snacker Production Problems
Communications Marketing does not share data with production (sales promotions and large, unexpected orders) Inventory True inventory status not known No real-time data on actual sales Accounting and Purchasing Difficulty forecasting raw material and labor costs Adjusting accounts for actual vs. standard costs time consuming and done infrequently MRP allows plant manager to plan production and raw materials for many periods. It works backwards from a sales forecast to create a production schedule. From there, given supplier lead times and finished product recipes, MRP works backwards to schedule raw material purchases. This is impossible to figure w/o a computer. M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

8 ERP Approach to Production Planning
Sales and Operations Planning Demand Management MRP Detailed Scheduling Sales Forecasting Purchasing Production M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

9 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
Fitter Snacker’s sales forecast for January through June M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

10 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
Sales Demand Management MRP Detailed Scheduling Forecasting Purchasing Production Starting Inventory Figure 4.6: Sales and operations planning—the second step of the production planning process M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

11 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
Snacker’s sales and operations plan for January through June M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

12 Sales and Operations Planning in ERP
M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

13 Sales and Operations Planning
Demand Management MRP Detailed Scheduling Sales Forecasting Purchasing Production Starting Inventory Demand Management—the third step of the production planning process M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

14 Sales and Operations Planning
Demand Management MRP Detailed Scheduling Sales Forecasting Purchasing Production Starting Inventory MRP—the Material Planning Process M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

15 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
MRP List in ERP M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

16 Stock Requirements List in ERP
M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

17 Detailed Production Scheduling
Snack bar production line is bottleneck Scheduling of production line is key to determining detailed production schedule M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

18 Detailed Production Scheduling
Length of production runs Longer runs reduces cost of setups Longer runs increase capacity utilization Shorter runs reduces cost of inventory M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

19 Penyediakan Data Produksi untuk Pencatatan Transaksi
Data produksi tidak didapatkan dari sistem ERP secara langsung Banyak metode pengumpulan mentah yang tersedia. ERP memungkinkan pengelolaan data untuk tujuan proses produksi dan akuntansi, dengan data yang konsisten di kedua area tersebut. M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

20 ERP in Supply Chain Management
$ $ $ $ $ Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Raw Materials Customer Supplier Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Information Information Information Information Information M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

21 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
SCM dan ERP ERP tidak diperlukan untuk Manajemen Rantai Pasokan (SCM). ERP dapat memudahkan terjadinya informasi secara real time. Penggunaan internet dapat mengurangi biaya komunikasi M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

22 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
Supply Chain Metrics Total Supply Chain Cash-to-cash cycle time: Time from paying for raw materials to the time when cash is collected from the customer Total supply chain costs M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

23 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
Supply Chain Metrics Buyer-Supplier Initial fill rate Initial-order lead-time On-time performance M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

24 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
Kesimpulan Suatu sistem ERP dapat meningkatkan efisiensi proses produksi dan pembelian. Efisiensi pada pemasaran dimulai dengan perkiraan penjualan dikaitkan dengan produksi barang, yang selanjutnya dipakai untuk membuat rencana produksi dengan pembelian sejumlah bahan baku. M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

25 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
Kesimpulan Perencanaan produksi dapat dilakukan tanpa sebuah sistem ERP, tetapi dengan sistem ERP memungkinkan produksi dihubungkan dengan Pembelian dan Akuntansi. Berbagi data ini meningkatkan efisiensi secara keseluruhan perusahaan M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

26 M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004
Kesimpulan Perusahaan-perusahaan membangun sistem ERP untuk implementasi manajemen rantai pasokan. Dalam melakukan hal ini, perusahaan melihat dirinya sebagai bagian dari proses besar yang meliputi pelanggan dan pemasok. Memanfaatkan informasi dengan lebih efisien karena rantai pasokan dapat mengurangi biaya secara signifikan. M0254 Enterprise Resources Planning ©2004

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