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Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA)

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1 Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA)
Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

2 Multiple Regression dan Multiple Classification Analysis
MCA  analisis multivariat dg beberapa variabel bebas (indep. vbl) dan satu variabel tidak bebas (dependent vbl) dg tujuan : Mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh indep vbl secara bersama sama thdp dependent vbl Mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh setiap indep vbl thdp dependent vbl baik mempertimbangkan efek indep vbl yang lain maupun mengabaikan efek indep vbl yang lain

3 Perbedaan Multipel Regresi dan MCA
Persamaan  additive Perbedaan Multipel Regresi dan MCA Dependent variable One Independent variables Several Statistical techniques Interval scale Multiple Regression Nominal Multiple Classification Analysis Dichotomous, Polytomous Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

4 Model MCA Yij...n= + ai +bj+ . . . .+e ij..n Dimana
Yij...n = skor dependent variable utk individu n yg berada pada kategori i dari prediktor A, kategori j dari prediktor B, dst. = rata-rata keseluruhan (Grand mean) dependent variabel. ai = efek kategori ke - i dari prediktor A. bj = efek kategori ke - j dari prediktor B. e ij..n= error utk individu ybs. Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

5 Model MCA Grand Mean Row Effect Column Effect Residual
Rata-rata keseluruhan + Efek baris + efek kolom + sisaan Grand Mean Row Effect Column Effect Residual Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

6 Performance by Task Difficulty and Arousal
Contoh : Performance by Task Difficulty and Arousal Arousal (Column) Row Mean Low Medium High Task Difficulty (Row) Easy 3 2 9 6 1 5 13 7 4 8 Difficult Column Mean Grand Mean Performance kerja (interval), Tingkat Kesulitan dan Gairah Kerja Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

7 Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

8 Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

9 Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

10 Eta () Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

11 Goodness of Fit Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

12 Syntax SPSS MCA *MCA model with categorical predictors:. ANOVA Performance by Difficulty (1,2) Arousal (1,3) /MAXORDERS=NONE /METHOD=EXPERIMENTAL /STATISTICS=MCA. Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

13 Struktur Data MCA dengan SPSS
Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

14 (baik secara overall atau individual)
ANOVAa Experimental Method Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Performance Main Effects (Combined) 3 60.000 8.667 .000 Task Difficulty 1 17.333 Arousal 2 30.000 4.333 .024 Model Residual 26 6.923 Total 29 12.414 a. Performance by Task Difficulty, Arousal Tingkat Kesulitan Pekerjaan dan Gairah Kerja berpengaruh terhadap Performance Kerja (baik secara overall atau individual) Significant Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

15 Performance Deviation Mean Row Task Difficulty Easy 6 2 = 6 – 4
MCAa N Predicted Mean Deviation Unadjusted Adjusted for Factors Performance Task Difficulty Easy 15 6.00 2.000 Difficult 2.00 -2.000 Arousal Low 10 Medium 5.00 1.000 High a. Performance by Task Difficulty, Arousal Performance Deviation Mean Row Task Difficulty Easy 6 2 = 6 – 4 Row(i)-Grand Mean Difficult -2 = 2 – 4 Column Arousal Low Column(j)-Grand Mean Medium 5 1 = 5 – 4 High Grand Mean 4 Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

16 =SQRT( SSRow/ SSTotal ) =SQRT(120/360) Arousal (Column) .408
Factor Summarya Eta Beta Formula Adjusted for Factors Performance Task Difficulty (Row) .577 =SQRT( SSRow/ SSTotal ) =SQRT(120/360) Arousal (Column) .408 =SQRT( SSColumn/ SSTotal ) =SQRT(60/360) Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

17 Performance by Task Difficulty, Arousal .707 .500
Model Goodness of Fit R R Squared Performance by Task Difficulty, Arousal .707 .500 =SQRT(R-Squared) = SSModel/SSTotal Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

18 Contoh lain Multiple Classification Analysis
Jabatan Akademitk :-Tidakada - Asisten Ahli (AA) - Lektor Gaji yang diterima - Rp. 2 juta - Rp. 3 juta - Rp. 4 juta - Rp. 5 juta Jenis Kelamin: - Laki‐Laki ( L) - Perempuan (P) Golongan : III (3) IV (4)

19 Jabatan Akademik Lektor menunjukkan Adjusted Mean paling besar.
Artinya Tingkat Jabatan Akademik yang lebih tinggi akan berpengaruh untuk mendapatkan gaji yang lebih besar 2. Dosen laki-laki yang mempunyai Jabatan Akademik Lektor dan masuk dalam Golongan Kepegawaian IV memiliki peluang gaji yang lebih besar 3. Jabatan Akademik berpengaruh terhadap “Rata-rata Gaji yang diterima” secara signifikan 4. Jenis kelamin berpengaruh terhadap “Rata-rata Gaji yang diterima” secara signifikan. 5. Golongan Kepegawaian berpengaruh terhadap “Rata-rata Gaji yang 6. Jabatan Akademik, Jenis kelamin, Golongan Kepegawaian secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap “Rata-rata Gaji yang diterima” yaitu sebesar = 85,078 % dan sebesar 14,921 % dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain

20 Multiple Classification Analysis with Interaction
Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

21 Syntax SPSS MCA *MCA model with categorical predictors, interaction:. ANOVA Performance by Difficulty (1,2) Arousal (1,3) /MAXORDERS=ALL /METHOD=EXPERIMENTAL /STATISTICS=MCA. Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

22 Task Difficulty * Arousal Model 240.000 5 48.000 9.600 Residual 24
ANOVAa Experimental Method Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Performance Main Effects (Combined) 3 60.000 12.000 .000 Task Difficulty 1 24.000 Arousal 2 30.000 6.000 .008 2-Way Interactions Task Difficulty * Arousal Model 5 48.000 9.600 Residual 24 5.000 Total 29 12.414 Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

23 Graphical display of interactions
Two ways to display previous results Widyo Pura Buana - MCA

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