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Diterbitkan olehFeri Muhammad Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
Prominence # 11 th Meeting
# 11 th Meeting Prominence Prominence was defined as the feature of discourse structure which makes one part more important and significant than another. (See Larson, 1984: 405) Prominence was defined as the feature of discourse structure which makes one part more important and significant than another. (See Larson, 1984: 405) There are three types of prominence devices: thematic, focus, and emphasis. There are three types of prominence devices: thematic, focus, and emphasis. Prominence may be either natural or marked. Prominence may be either natural or marked. Example: Example: John shot the tiger with an arrow. (Larson, 1984: 408) John shot the tiger with an arrow. (Larson, 1984: 408) The natural prominence is on shot as the EVENT. The natural prominence is on shot as the EVENT.
Continued Continued Take a look to another example: Take a look to another example: It was John who shot the tiger with an arrow. It was John who shot the tiger with an arrow. The marked prominence was determined by John as the AGENT. The marked prominence was determined by John as the AGENT. Prominent is marked by putting the non prominent materials into a relative clause and John as the complement in a stative clause with a dummy topic it. To put the prominence on tiger, the surface structure is, Prominent is marked by putting the non prominent materials into a relative clause and John as the complement in a stative clause with a dummy topic it. To put the prominence on tiger, the surface structure is, It was tiger that John shot with an arrow. It was tiger that John shot with an arrow.
Practice Learn the passage and translate it into English Learn the passage and translate it into English Akibat dari kerusuhan itu sangat mengenaskan. Bangunan- bangunan banyak yang rusak. Gereja tempat Maria beribadah huncur berantakan, demikian pula langgar tempat Fatimah biasa menunaikan sembahyang. Perpustakaan kecil yang biasa mereka datangi sudah jadi abu. Sekolah mereka pun tak berbentuk lagi. Tak ada lagi buku-buku yang tersusun rapih dalam rak. Tak ada lagi bangku-bangku kecil tempat mereka belajar. Semua hancur. Akibat dari kerusuhan itu sangat mengenaskan. Bangunan- bangunan banyak yang rusak. Gereja tempat Maria beribadah huncur berantakan, demikian pula langgar tempat Fatimah biasa menunaikan sembahyang. Perpustakaan kecil yang biasa mereka datangi sudah jadi abu. Sekolah mereka pun tak berbentuk lagi. Tak ada lagi buku-buku yang tersusun rapih dalam rak. Tak ada lagi bangku-bangku kecil tempat mereka belajar. Semua hancur. Fatimah menangis melihatnya. Ia tidak mengerti mengapa semua harus terjadi. Mengapa manusia saling memusuhi dan merusak. Yang ia tahu, kerusuhan itu menyebabkan bencana besar dimana- Fatimah menangis melihatnya. Ia tidak mengerti mengapa semua harus terjadi. Mengapa manusia saling memusuhi dan merusak. Yang ia tahu, kerusuhan itu menyebabkan bencana besar dimana-
Continued Continued mana. Korban jiwa dan harta tak terkira banyaknya. Karena kerusuhan itu, ia tak bisa bersekolah. Lebih dari itu, ia pun terpaksa harus berpisah dengan sahabat karibnya. mana. Korban jiwa dan harta tak terkira banyaknya. Karena kerusuhan itu, ia tak bisa bersekolah. Lebih dari itu, ia pun terpaksa harus berpisah dengan sahabat karibnya. (diambil dari, Sahabat Sejati, Alvionita & Oermadi.p. 13-14) (diambil dari, Sahabat Sejati, Alvionita & Oermadi.p. 13-14)
References Catford. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press. Larson, Mildred L..1984. Meaning Based-Translation: A Guide to Cross- language Equivalence. USA: University Press of America Inc. Newmark, Peter. 1988. Approaches to Translation. UK: Prentice Hall International Ltd. Newmark, Peter. 1988. A Textbook of Translation. UK: Prentice Hall International Ltd.
Nida. 1964. Toward The Science of Translating. Leiden: E.J. Brill. Nida.1969.The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E.J. Brill. Sidharta, Sri Prawati M. Penerjemahan dan Proses Penerjemahan. Artikel dalam Jurnal Sastra Tahun IV No. 3. Bandung: Universitas Padjadajaran. Wydiamartaya. 1989. Seni Menerjemahkan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
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