Consumer Perception Meeting-5. What do U C? Perception: the process by which the individual selects, organizes and interprets stimuli into a meaningful.

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1 Consumer Perception Meeting-5


3 What do U C?


5 Perception: the process by which the individual selects, organizes and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world.

6 Sensation: is the immediate and direct response of the sensory organs to stimuli Stimulus: is any unit of input to any of the senses Sensory Receptors: are the human organs (the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin) that receive sensory inputs

7 3 Perceptual Processes 1.Selective Attention 2.Selective Distortion 3.Selective Retention

8 Discussion the following Consumer Imagery Themes

9 Positioning Products and Services Umbrella Positioning Positioning against competition Positioning based on a specific benefit Finding an “unowned” position Filling several position

10 Perceived Price Reference Price Tensile and Objective Price Claims Prospect Theory

11 Perceived Quality Perceived Quality of Products Perceived Quality of Services Price/Quality Relationship Store Image Manufacturer’s Image

12 Perceived Risk Perception of Risk Varies How Consumers Handle Risk Implication for New Products

13 Activities Pilihlah 3 iklan yang berbeda, yang mana masing-masing iklan menstimulus hal yg berbeda. Jelaskanlah panca indra mana yang sedang distimulus oleh iklan tersebut dan bagaimana caranya menarik perhatian Dengan tim 2 minggu lalu, buatlah daftar slogan dan jingle dari produk (sebanyak mungkin). Kemudian buatlah slogan dan jingle untuk produkmu.



16 Thank You

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