Interpersonal Skills (Sumarni Bayu Anita, S.Sos, M.A) Presented by Ema Apriyani., M.Sc for SI 1 C, SI 1E, SI 1 B 1.

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1 Interpersonal Skills (Sumarni Bayu Anita, S.Sos, M.A) Presented by Ema Apriyani., M.Sc for SI 1 C, SI 1E, SI 1 B 1

2 Keys of Interpersonal Skill (last part)

3 Conflict / Masalah

4 IV. Resolving Conflicts 3 pemikiran tentang konflik. 1.Pandangan Tradisional : semua bentuk konflik harus dihindarkan. 2.Pandangan “Human Relations” : konflik adalah sesuatu yang natural yang senantiasa ada dalam semua kelompok dan organisasi, tidak bisa dihindari – bahkan positif – diterima. 3.Pandangan Interaksionis : konflik tidak hanya merupakan kekuatan positif, bahkan sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja kelompok. – diciptakan. 4

5 Jenis konflik 1.Functional Conflict : Conflict that supports the goals of the group and improves its performance. – viable, self- critical, innovative. 2.Dysfunctional Conflict : Conflict that hinders group performance – disruptive, chaotic, uncooperative 5

6 Conflict and Unit Performance 6 SituationLevel of Conflict Type of Conflict Unit’s Internal Characteristics Unit Performance Outcome A Low or none Dysfunctional Apathetic Stagnant Non-responsive to change Lack of new ideas Low BOptimalFunctional Viable Self-critical innovative High C Dysfunctional Disruptive Chaotic Uncooperative Low

7 Level of conflict and Unit Performance 7 Level of conflict LowHigh Unit Performance A BC Optimal

8 Gaya menghadapi konflik 1. Kronfontatif / agresif / I win, you lose 2. Asertif / persuasif / kolaborasi I win, you win 3. Koperatif / konsiliasi. I lose, you lose 4. Menghindar / akomodasi I lose, you win 8

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