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Berbagai teori perkembangan
Perkembangan Manusia wien/pgsd_perk
Teori Tahapan Psikoseksual (oleh Sigmund Freud)
Psychosexual Stage Age Kepuasan Oral stage Lahir - 1 th Pd area mulut. - Berlebihan - Kekurangan Anal stage 2 – 3 th Pd area pembuangan (anal). Anal expulsiveness (sembarangan) Anal retentiveness (penahanan) Phallic stage 4 – 5 th Pd area alat kelamin Identifikasi Laki kastrasi, oedipus complex Perempuan penis envy, electra complex. Latency stage 6 – 11 / 12 th Perkembangan pesat pd aspek motorik & kognitif. Masa tenang, kecemasan & ketakutan masa sblmnya ditekan (repressed). Genital stage Adolescence – adulthhood. Relasi heterosexual. Rasa cinta pd anggota keluarga dialihkan pd orang lain di luar keluarga. Pengalaman masa lalu sangat mempengaruhi perilakunya.l wien/pgsd_perk
Teori tahapan Psikososial (oleh Erik Erikson)
Psychosocial Stage Age Positive Outcomes Negative Outcomes Basic Trust vs Basic Mistrust. (Rasa aman vs Ketidakberdayaan). Lahir - 1 th Feeling of inner goodness, trust in oneself & others, optimism. Sense of badness, mistrust of self & others, Pessimism. Outonomy vs Shame & Doubt (Mandiri vs malu / ragu-ragu) 2 – 3 th Exercise of will, self control, able to make choise. Rigid, excessive conscience, doubtfull, self conscience shame. Initiative vs Guilt. (Inisiatif / bebas vs rasa bersalah) 4 – 5 th Pleasure of accomplishments, activity, directions & purpose. Guilt over goals, contemplated, and achievements initiated. Induatry vs Inferiority. (Rasa mampu vs rendah diri) 6 – 11 / 12 Able to be absorbed in productive work, pride in completed product. Sense of inadequacy and inferiority, unable to complete work. wien/pgsd_perk
Psychosocial Stage Age Positive Outcomes Negative Outcomes
Identity vs Role Diffusion. Menemukan diri vs peran tdk jelas / kabur) Adoles cence Confidence of inner sameness and continuity, promise of a career. ill at ease in roles, no sets standards, sense of artificiality. Intimacy vs Isolation. (Kedekatan vs Perasaan terasing) Early Adult hood Mutuality, sharing of thoughts, work, feelings. Avoidance of intimacy, superficial relations. Generativity vs Stagnation. (membantu orang lain vs diri sendiri) Middle Adult Ability to lose oneself in work and relationship. Loss of interest in work, impoverished relations. Integrity vs Despair. (Kepuasan thd masa lalu vs kekecewaan) Late Adult Sense of order and meaning, content with self and one’s accomplishments. Fear of death, bitter about life and what one got from it or what did not happen. wien/pgsd_perk
Teori Tahapan Kognitif (oleh Jean Piaget)
Sensorimotor ( babyhood) Pre-operational ( early childhood) Concrete Operational ( late childhood) Formal Operational ( Adolescence to Adulthood) wien/pgsd_perk
Teori Perkembangan Attachment (oleh Bowlby)
Senyuman yg mempunyai arti sosial diperlihatkan stlh berusia 3 minggu, hanya saja bayi belum bisa membedakan wajah yg dilihatnya. Reaksi dari orang dewasa thd senyuman mempunyai fungsi meredakan dan menimbulkan perasaan dekat. (0 – 3 bln) Mulai mengenal wajah-wajah tertentu dg tingkah laku yg diperlihatkan kpd orang yg dikenal, spt senyuman, ocehan. Keterikatan sudah lebih kuat. (3-6 bln) wien/pgsd_perk
(Oleh Bronfrenbrenner)
TEORI EKOLOGI (Oleh Bronfrenbrenner) wien/pgsd_perk
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