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SUMBERDAYA (RESOURCES) Anything needed by an organism or group of organism. Something useful (but for humanity what is useful or useless can change because.

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Presentasi berjudul: "SUMBERDAYA (RESOURCES) Anything needed by an organism or group of organism. Something useful (but for humanity what is useful or useless can change because."— Transcript presentasi:

1 SUMBERDAYA (RESOURCES) Anything needed by an organism or group of organism. Something useful (but for humanity what is useful or useless can change because of technology, economics and the environmental effects of getting and using a resources

2 Technology Cannot bring back an extinct animal resources or a paved over wilderness area, but it can extend the supply of some resources by improving them, using them more efficiently or recycling them Saat ini 1 ton batubara menghasilkan enerji 7 kali lipat dibandingkan pada tahun 1900. 1 liter bensin untuk sepeda motor berjalan 10 km, sekarang bisa 125 km Sometimes technology can solve the problem of a scarce resource by finding a substitute or replacement. Tembaga diganti besi, besi digantikan baja, baja digantikan campuran plastik dan alumunium.

3 Economic Resource use is tied to economics. Something is useful as a resources only if it can made available at a reasonable cost. There can also be an economic limit to recycling.

4 Impact on the environment The use of a resources may also depend on the impact of its mining, processing, and use has on the environment. Meskipun ada (tersedia) bisa tdk digunakan, jika penggunaannya berdampak serius terhadap kehidupan. Kadang-kadang dampak ini dapat diminimalisir, bahkan dihilangkan. Namun memerlukan biaya, bahkan terkadang menjadi tidak ekonomis lagi

5 Natural Resources Keseluruhan faktor fisik, kimia, biologi dan sosial yang membentuk lingkungan sekitar kita. Semua bagian lingkungan alam kita –tanah, air, udara, mineral, hutan, hidupan liar bahkan populasi manusia– yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup manusia.

6 Klasifikasi sumberdaya alam Sumberdaya alam Tak terbatas ImmutableMutable Terbatas Maintainable Renewable Non Renewable Non Maintainable Reusable Non Reusable

7 4 R Reduce Reuse Recycle Replace

8 Sumberdaya Hutan Renewable vs non renewable Product / VALUE Good Timber Non timber forest product Services Biodiversity Landscape beauty Carbon Water Tangible Vs intangible Market vs un market

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