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Astharina W 7408040036 Archi W 7408040048 Mas Dodik 7408040059
No SQL Database Astharina W Archi W Mas Dodik
Outlines Apa itu No Sql Database ? Sejarah dan perkembangan
Mengapa Menggunakan No Sql Database Klasifikasi No SQL Database Perbedaan SQL dan No SQL Database Etc.
Apa Itu No SQL Database Dapat juga disebut “Not Only SQL” adalah sistem manajemen database alternatif yang berbeda jauh dari model tradisional dari sistem manajemen database relasional (RDBMS) ataupun sistem manajemen database berbasis object(ODBMS). Penyimpanan data ini tidak memerlukan skema tabel tetap, biasanya menghindari joins operation dan skala horizontal, merupakan open source, cara penyimpanannya- pun tidak memerlukan inisialisasi terlebih dahulu. Dalam arti luas,cara penyimpanan data yang tidak menggunakan sql atau database relasional untuk menyimpan data. Di Populerkan oleh website besar seperti Google dan Facebook.
Sejarah dan Perkembangan NoSql
Coined in 1998 by Carlos Strozzi to describe a database that did not expose a SQL interface In 2008, Eric Evans reintroduced the term to describe the growing non-RDBMS movement Popularized by large web sites such as Google, Facebook and Digg
Sejarah dan Perkembangan NoSql
- Perkembangan dari situs media sosial (Facebook, Twitter) dengan kebutuhan data yang besar. - Kebutuhan akan penyimpanan data yang besar di situs web besar seperti Google, Yahoo ( Banyak data yang tidak file ). - Munculnya solusi berbasis cloud seperti Amazon S3 (solusi penyimpanan yang sederhana) - Untuk tipe data dinamis dengan seringnya perubahan skema. - Komunitas open-source.
Sejarah dan Perkembangan NoSql
Ada tiga bahasan besar yang mendorong perkembangan NoSql : BigTable (Google) Dynamo (Amazon) CAP Theorem
No Sql Database Karakteristik
Large data volumes Google’s “big data” Queries need to return answers quickly Mostly query, few updates Asynchronous Inserts & Updates Schema-less ACID transaction properties are not needed BASE transaction CAP Theorem Open source development
Transactions – ACID Properties
Atomic – All of the work in a transaction completes (commit) or none of it completes Consistent – A transaction transforms the database from one consistent state to another consistent state. Consistency is defined in terms of constraints. Isolated – The results of any changes made during a transaction are not visible until the transaction has committed. Durable – The results of a committed transaction survive failures
BASE Transactions Acronym contrived to be the opposite of ACID
Basically Available, Soft state, Eventually Consistent Characteristics Weak consistency – stale data OK Availability first Best effort Approximate answers OK Aggressive (optimistic) Simpler and faster
Keuntungan Cheap, easy to implement (open source)
Data are replicated to multiple nodes (therefore identical and fault-tolerant) and can be partitioned Down nodes easily replaced No single point of failure Easy to distribute Don't require a schema Can scale up and down Relax the data consistency requirement (CAP)
NoSQL Products Cassandra CouchDB Hadoop & Hbase MongoDB StupidDB Etc.
Perbandingan Beberapa Aplikasi NoSQL DataBase
Perbandingan Beberapa Aplikasi NoSQL DataBase
Perbandingan Beberapa Aplikasi NoSQL DataBase
Klasifikasi No Sql Database
Discussing NoSQL databases is complicated because there are a variety of types: Column Store – Each storage block contains data from only one column Document Store – stores documents made up of tagged elements Key-Value Store – Hash table of keys
Klasifikasi No Sql Database
XML Databases Graph Databases Codasyl Databases Object Oriented Databases Distributed Peer Stores
2 Garis Besar NoSql NoSQL solutions fall into two major areas:
Key/Value or ‘the big hash table’. Amazon S3 (Dynamo) Voldemort Scalaris Schema-less which comes in multiple flavors, column-based, document-based or graph-based. Cassandra (column-based) CouchDB (document-based) Neo4J (graph-based) HBase (column-based)
Key/Value Pros: Cons: very fast very scalable simple model
able to distribute horizontally Cons: - many data structures (objects) can't be easily modeled as key value pairs
Schema-Less Pros: Cons:
- Schema-less data model is richer than key/value pairs eventual consistency many are distributed still provide excellent performance and scalability Cons: - typically no ACID transactions or joins
Perbedaan Dengan Database Relasional
Relational Insert data $sql = "INSERT INTO `$tbl` SET `login` = 'coba1', `password` = '0c50a2d250b30bf01aa0fabf782cb448', ` ` = mysql_query($sql); No Sql (MongoDB) db.mahasiswa.save({nama:’FadliSaldi’,NPM:’ ′,jurusan:’Sistem Informasi’,Fakultas:’Ilmu Komputer’})
Perbedaan Dengan Database Relasional
SQL Databases Predefined Schema Standard definition and interface language Tight consistency Well defined semantics NoSQL Database No predefined Schema Per-product definition and interface language Getting an answer quickly is more important than getting a correct answer
Perbedaan Dengan Database Relasional
MySQL > 50 GB Data Writes Average : ~300 ms Reads Average : ~350 ms NoSQL > 50 GB Data Writes Average : 0.12 ms Reads Average : 15 ms
Haruskah Menggunakan No SQL Database ?
Untuk kita semua menggunakan database relasional seperti biasanya mungkin adalah pilihan yang paling tepat. Sistem penyimpanan data menggunakan No Sql database cocok untuk aplikasi yang membutuhkan data tak terstruktur yang sangat besar,seperti : Log Analysis Social Networking Feeds
Introducing MongoDB Open source, document-oriented database
10gen supports official drivers for many platforms, but not .NET!
Introducing MongoDB Documents in a MongoDB database are stored in schema-less collections Documents are stored in BSON (Binary JSON) Each item in a collection has a unique (primary) key called an ObjectId
MongoDB – Kelebihan Memberikan primary key secara otomatis
Mendukung replikasi yang berguna bagi web yang memiliki trafik yang tinggi seperti : portal berita,forum,blog,dll. Mendukung sharding yang digunakan pada data yang sudah mencapai juta giga. Mendukung model pemrograman MapReduce
Instalasi mongodb di windows
Download the binaries from mongodb.org Extract to Program Files directory (or wherever) Create a directory c:\data\db Run mongod.exe from the command line with the install switch
Mongodb shell Connect to a server:port/database (defaults are localhost:27017/test ):
Mongodb shell cntd Insert an item into a collection
Mongodb shell cntd Find items in a collection:
Mongodb shell cntd Update an item in a collection
Mongodb shell cntd Remove an item in collection
Web References “NoSQL -- Your Ultimate Guide to the Non - Relational Universe!” “NoSQL (RDBMS)”
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