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Diterbitkan olehShandy Syahputra Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
Praktikum 3 Komunikasi Data dan Jaringan Komputer
WLAN (802.11)
Tugas Kelompok Bagi menjadi 4 kelompok Lakukan percobaan konfigurasi:
Wireless Network dengan infrastruktur yang terhubung ke Internet dengan menggunakan jaringan IPB. Wireless Ad-hoc network untuk menghubungkan 2 PC. Seperti biasa, buat laporan, lengkapi dengan screen capture. Kirim ke:
Wireless LAN (Using Wireless Router)
Used to extend current wired LAN Used to share available Internet connection
Wireless LAN Example: Internet Connection Sharing
Wireless LAN Another example: Extending Current LAN
Web Based Wireless Router Configuration
Connect a straight UTP cable to a LAN port on wireless router. Use browser to open default wireless router URL (e.q. Enter the username and password to set up the wireless router. (e.g. Username: admin password: admin)
Wireless Router Configuration
Basic wireless router configuration: Wireless router security: change the default username and password. Radio (wireless): SSID and Channel LAN (connection to LAN): wireless router IP address, DHCP configuration. WAN (connection to Internet): Connection method: Ethernet, PPPoE, etc. Security (no, WEP, WPA, or WPA2) WPA2 is recommended Other settings: mac filtering, firewall, DMZ, port forwarding, etc., depend on the wireless router features.
Wireless Router Configuration
Basic wireless client (PC or another devices) configuration: SSID Security key
Wireless Ad-Hoc on Win XP
Wireless Ad-Hoc on Win 7
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