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06/10/2014 Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 20141
2 Visualisasi struktur kelas-kelas dari suatu sistem. CD adalah blueprints dari sebuah sistem atau sub sistem CD memperlihatkan hubungan antarkelas dan penjelasan detail tiap-tiap kelas di dalam model desain dari suatu sistem. Selama proses analisis, CD memperlihatkan aturan- aturan dan tanggung jawab entitas yang menentukan perilaku sistem. Selama tahap desain, CD berperan menangkap struktur dari semua kelas yang membentuk arsitektur sistem yang dibuat CD juga merupakan fondasi untuk component diagram dan deployment diagram.
Finding Objects Identifying Responsibilities Specifying Static Behavior Specifying Dynamic Behavior Identifying Relationships Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 20143
A set, collection, group, or configuration contai ning members regarded as having certain attrib utes or traits in common; a kind or category. [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/class] Biology A taxonomic category ranking below a phylum or division and above an order. See Table at taxonomy.taxonomy Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 20144
A class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies among classes in the Unified Modeling Language (UML).source code In this context, a class defines the methods and variables in an object, which is a specific entity in a program or the unit of code representing that entity.classmethodvariableobject Class diagrams are useful in all forms of object- oriented programming (OOP). The concept is several years old but has been refined as OOP modeling paradigms have evolved. Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 20145
Be depicted as a Rectangle There are three parts such as name of class (A), attributes of class (B), methods of class (C) Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 20146 A B C
Using “noun” as a name of class Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 20147 A A
Identify attributes : Look at all the adjectives and possesive phrases in the requirements document Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 20148 B B
Identify services/methods: Look at all the verbs in the requirements document Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 20149 C C
It has some relationship among class such as inheritance (A), aggregation/composition (B), Association (C). Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 201410 B
It has some relationship among class such as inheritance (A), aggregation/composition (B), Association (C). Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 201411 B A
Drag and Drop a Rectangle Form Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 201412
Reverse Code Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 201413
Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 201414
Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 201415
Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 201416
Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 201417
Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 201418 Is this a Class ?
Course : Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Aetthea, Elektro Unsoed, http://aetthea.blog.unsoed.ac.id, 201419
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