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INTRODUCTION (History, Characteristic, Model, Term, Meaning of International Law) Cekli Setya Pratiwi, SH.,LL.M.
Content 1.History and International Law Development 2.Int Law Characteristic 3.Int Law Model 4.Terms of Int Law 5.Meaning of Int Law 6.Relation between Int Law and National Law
1. History and Int Law Development Classic Int Law –4000 SM –Relation between individual –Relation between nations –The object of relation was simple –The form of community was as city states for example in Italy: Modern Int Law -After 20- now -Relation between the Int Law subjects (i.e. State, Int Organization, Individual) -The object of relation is more complex -The form of community is state and a kind of state such as belligerent, Liberalization Movement
HI Modern ditandai dengan: Perjanjian Perdamaian Wesphalia (1618- 1648) The end of Thirty Yaers War in Europe Separation between state and churce Based on National interest The relation between state is coordinate France Rev. And America Rev. Konperensi Perdamaian (1856) dan Konperensi Jenewa (1864), Konferensi Den Haag (1899). The development of International Arbitrate PD I ---- Perjanjian Versailles The development of League of Nations PD II The development of United Nations Organition Perjanjian Briand Kellocg Pact (1928) : War do not allow to be used as a way to gain national interest.
2. Int Law Characteristic The rule of molarilty –Do not have legislative body –Do not have judicative body –Do not have executive body –Sanctions do not exist International Law –Law is not always made by legislative body (i.e. Internasional), –General Assembly of United Nations mostly act as legislative body –There are Int Court of Justice, Int Criminal Court, Int Arbitrate that act as judicative body –There is a Security Council that act as Int Police –Embargo does exist
John Austin opinion?? “Every law or rule (Taken with largest signification which can be given to term properly) is command ……” 1. HI bukan hukum dalam arti yang sebenarnya :“Properly so called” 2. HI segolongan dengan : “ The Laws for honor, The Laws set by fashion, sebagai Rules of positive morality”
Discussion Do you agree with John Austin opinion regarding to International Law mentioned above?
3. Int Law Model General Int Law Specific Int Law Regional Int Law Int Law World Law Int Public Law Int Privat Law
4. Terms of Int Law Romawi: Ius Gentium, Ius Inter Gentes Indonesia : Hk. Bangsa-bangsa, Hk. Antar Bangsa, Hk. Antar Negara, Hukum Internasional English : International Law, common Law, Law of mankind, Law of Nation, Transnational Law (Inggris). France: Droit de gens Ducth: Voelkenrecht. Germany: Woelkrrecht.
Discussion Why the used of International Law term is better that the used of Law of nation?
5. Meaning of Int Law Pandangan klasik: “system Hk. yang mengatur hubungan negara- negara.” b. Prof. Hyde: “sekumpulan hukum, yang sebagaian besar terdiri dari asas-asas dan peraturan-peraturan tingkah laku yang mengikat negara-negara, karena itu biasanya ditaati dalam hubungan negara-negara satu sama lain.” c. J.L. Brierly[: “ himpunan kaidah-kaidah dan asas- asas tindakan yang mengikat bagi negara-negara beradab dalam hubungan mereka satu sama liannya.” d. Oppenheim: “International law is the name of the body of customary and treaty rules which are of considered legally binding by states in their intercourse which each other”. e. Max Rosense :”International law is a strict term of art, connoting that system of law whose primary function it is to regulate the relation of stateswhic one another “. G. Schwarzenberger: “ International law is the body of legal rules binding upon sovereign state and such other en tities as have been granted International personality”. f. Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, SH.,L.L.M.: “keseluruhan kaidah- kaidah dan asas-asas yang mengatur hubungan atau persoalan yang melintasi batas- batas negara antara: –NEGARA dengan NEGARA; –NEGARA dengan SUBYEK HUKUM LAIN BUKAN NEGARA; –SUBYEK HUKUM BUKAN NEGARA satu dengan YANG LAIN.
Discussion Can you make a definition of International Law on your own words?
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