The Open Source Hospital Information System

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Presentasi berjudul: "The Open Source Hospital Information System"— Transcript presentasi:

1 The Open Source Hospital Information System

2 Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit Terbuka
Care2X adalah Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit terintegrasi. Ditulis dalam PHP, yang menggunakan database mySQL, PostgreSQL sebagai backend. Memiliki modul yang berbeda seperti Bedah, Keperawatan, Rawat Jalan, Bangsal, Labs, Farmasi, Keamanan, Penerimaan, penjadwal, Perbaikan, Komunikasi & berita. Dibuat dengan multibahasa.

3 FORM - Registration * Photo * Registration date * Registration time* * Title * Family name * Given name * Second name * Third name * Middle name * Maiden name * Other names * Date of birth * Sex * Blood group * Civil status * Address * Street * Nr. * Town/City * Zip * Insurance nr * Insurance Company * Phone 1 * Phone 2 * Cellphone. 1 * Cellphone. 2 * Fax * * Citizenship * SSS Nr. * National ID Nr. * Religion * Ethnic origin * Registered by

4 Admission * Address * Admission number * Admission class
* Admission date * Admission time * Title * Family name * Given name * Middle name * Date of birth * Blood group * Address * Admission class * Clinic/Department * Diagnosis * Referred by * Therapy * Referrer notes * Billing Type * Insurance nr * Insurance Company * Admitted by

5 Department Medical General Ambulatory
General Surgery Emergency Surgery Plastic Surgery Ear-Nose-Throath Opthalmology Pathology Ob-Gynecology Physical Therapy Internal Medicine Intermediate Care Unit Intensive Care Unit Emergency Ambulatory General Ambulatory Internal Medicine Ambulatory Sonography Nuclear Diagnostics Radiology Oncology Neonatal Central Laboratory Serological Laboratory Chemical Laboratory Bacteriological Laboratory Anesthesiology General Outpatient Clinic Blood Bank

6 Non-Medical Press Relations Cafeteria Technical Support IT Department
Management Admission Pharmacy

7 News Exhibitions Education Advance studies Health Information
Headline News Cafe News Nursing Doctors

8 Ward and room Ward Empty Ward Room Empty
Operating room 15 rooms (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)

9 EMR (Electronic medical record)
Types Doctor's daily notes Daily ward notes Chart notes (daily chart notes) PT, ATG daily notes IV daily notes Anticoagulant daily notes Discharge summary Material, LOT Charge Nr. Diagnosis text Therapy text Extra notes on therapy and diagnosis Nursing care report Nursing effectivity report Inquiry to doctor Doctor's directive (physician orders) Allergy Diet plan Operation notes

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