X. Irrigation Rice Research and Development:

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Presentasi berjudul: "X. Irrigation Rice Research and Development:"— Transcript presentasi:

1 X. Irrigation Rice Research and Development:
Supply, Demand, Water, Climate, and Research Capacity Robert S. Zeigler, International Rice Research Institute, International Rice Conf, Bali, Sept 2005 Potato Information Kit Jerry Lovatt

2 Pola Pertumbuhan Tanaman

3 Irrigation Potato Information Kit . 1997. Jerry Lovatt
Air sebagai pelarut hara Air tersedia = pada kapasitas lapang di daerah perakaran tanaman Kekurangan air : perakaran serabut ++ di kedalaman tanah, tanaman kerdil, produksi rendah Kelebihan air : mengurangi aerasi tanah, meningkatkan pencucian hara & pestisida & menyebabkan kondisi yang sesuai bagi perkembangan hama & penyakit

4 Irrigation Description
Indonesia  Irigasi teknis pada lahan sawah  Lahan kering tgt hujan Cara pengairan  Digenangi pada lahan sawah dan juga pada lahan kering bila tersedia pengairan teknis.  Disiram unt lahan kering Tgt Musim  musim hujan air berlebihan & kemarau air berkurang Sifat Boros, tidak terukur & hanya mengandalkan musim Produktifitas rendah




8 The water challenge Nearly 90% of the fresh water
diverted for human use in Asia goes to agriculture and, of this, >50% is used to irrigate rice. It takes more than 2,000 liters of water to produce 1 kg of rice! There is growing competition from cities and industry for available water supplies. Farmers must become more efficient in their use of water.

9 Irrigation requirement
Tensiometer  mengukur ketersediaan air tanah bagi tanaman kPa  + pengairan Perkiraan berdasar evapotranspirasi Disesuaikan dg fase pertumbuhan tanaman  vegeratif & generatif/reproduktif tan kentang  hari sekali terutama pada puncak pengisian umbi  370 mm prod 40 t/ha & 40 mm prod 20 t/ha

10 Rice and water 75% of rice is irrigated (75 m ha) Rice requires much water : l kg-1 rice Irrigated areas consume 80% of all fresh water used; Asia: > 50% of this is for rice

11 Options – better water management and new rice varieties
Better irrigation management practices to use less water, such as alternate wetting and drying. New varieties that better tolerate drought (aerobic rice, pictured). New varieties that are more efficient in their use of water.

12 FOR MORE INFO... Irrigation System

13 Irrigation Technology
Great Giant Pineaple Co - Lampung Sprinkle irrigation



16 Irrigation Technology
Potato Boom irrigation – Pemberton West AUS, 2002


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