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Diterbitkan olehPrincess Wati Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
(compiled from varied resources and for limited used only)
Lesson Planning TEYL Laksmi Widyarini (compiled from varied resources and for limited used only)
Definition 1. A writing of the method of delivery, and the specific goals and time allocation associated to the delivery of lesson content 2.Lesson plan is a teaching tool, that helps the teachers in deciding: what to teach, why to teach, when to teach, and how to teach in classroom while teaching
What to consider when planning a lesson
Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate
Five Es of Lesson Plan Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate
Advantages of lesson planning
Full teaching Variety of teaching techniques Effective utilization of time Wide range of activities Developing Low cost no cost materials Students involvement Assessment
Preparing the lesson plan
Topic: (topik pembelajaran) Activities: (jenis2 kegiatan yg akan dilaksanakan) Resources: (sumber belajar) While: Learning outcomes: (hasil belajar yg diharapkan) Previous knowledge: (pengetahuan yg harus sudah dikuasai/diketahui oleh siswa: struktur bahasa, kosakata, & fungsi bahasa) Follow-up: (PR/tugas2 lain) Assessment: (bentuk evaluasi) Post: Reflection: (kegiatan refleksi? Contoh pertanyaan refleksi?2)
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