(compiled from varied resources and for limited used only)

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1 (compiled from varied resources and for limited used only)
Lesson Planning TEYL Laksmi Widyarini (compiled from varied resources and for limited used only)

2 Definition 1. A writing of the method of delivery, and the specific goals and time allocation associated to the delivery of lesson content 2.Lesson plan is a teaching tool, that helps the teachers in deciding: what to teach, why to teach, when to teach, and how to teach in classroom while teaching

3 What to consider when planning a lesson

4 Cont…

5 Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate
Five Es of Lesson Plan Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate

6 Advantages of lesson planning
Full teaching Variety of teaching techniques Effective utilization of time Wide range of activities Developing Low cost no cost materials Students involvement Assessment

7 Preparing the lesson plan
Topic: (topik pembelajaran) Activities: (jenis2 kegiatan yg akan dilaksanakan) Resources: (sumber belajar) While: Learning outcomes: (hasil belajar yg diharapkan) Previous knowledge: (pengetahuan yg harus sudah dikuasai/diketahui oleh siswa: struktur bahasa, kosakata, & fungsi bahasa) Follow-up: (PR/tugas2 lain) Assessment: (bentuk evaluasi) Post: Reflection: (kegiatan refleksi? Contoh pertanyaan refleksi?2)

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