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Presentasi berjudul: "PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website:"— Transcript presentasi:



3 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: Speaking expressions about embarrassment, anger and annoyance

4 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: Berbicara Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan perasaan malu, menyatakan perasaan marah, dan menyatakan perasaan jengkel STANDAR KOMPETENSI KOMPETENSI DASAR

5 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat : - Merespon ungkapan-ungkapan perasaan malu (embarrassment), marah (anger) dan jengkel (annoyance) - Mengungkapkan perasaan malu (embarrassment), marah (anger) dan jengkel (annoyance) - Mempraktikkan tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan malu (embarrassment), marah (anger) dan jengkel (annoyance) TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN

6 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: 5 (expressing anger and annoyance) (embarrasssment) Materi awal

7 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: 6 Showing anger and annoyance : - It annoys me when…. - I don’t like it when…. - I can’t stand it when…. - It burns me up when…. - I hate it when…. - Enough! Giving Responses : -I’d like to discuss this matter - Can we discuss it? - Please, let’s discuss it. - Don’t be angry, let’s talk it over - Come on, don’t be mad How to express anger and annoyance

8 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: 7 - Angry (adjective)  if you are angry, you feel a strong emotion about something that you think is wrong or unfair Example of sentences : + with  She was angry with him because he had lied to her + at  She was angry at him + about  Don’t you feel angry about the way you’ve been treated? - Anger (noun)  an angry feeling Example of sentence : - He found it difficult to control his growing anger - Annoy (verb)  to make (someone) rather angry or impatient Example of sentence : - Please go away and stop annoying me! - Annoyance (noun)  something which annoys Example of sentence : - that noise has been an annoyance to me for weeks! Collocation note

9 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: 8 1.) Ria : I hate it when somebody talks about me behind Lia : Calm down, it will be over soon 2.) Dita : It burns me up when you do such a stupid things Dina: Come on, don’t be mad. It was an accident. Practice these dialogues!

10 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: 9 Another speaking expressions dealing with expressions of anger and annoyance Expressions of annoyance :. C’mon. Let’s get started. · Let’s go. · I’m losing my patience with you. · You're driving me crazy. · You're bothering me. · You're annoying me. Expressions of anger : · I’ve never been so insulted in my life · What do you mean I did a terrible job ? · You're getting me angry · Are you trying to make me angry ? · You burn me up.. I’m fed up with….. I’m upset with….. I hate it when….

11 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: 10 A : “Hello, squirrel the tree climber!” B : “Hey! You know it really burns me up when people call me by that name!” A : “Oops, sorry. It’s just that I heard some boys called you like that.” B : “Yeah, okay. Forget it. A : “Sorry about that. You know I didn’t mean to hurt you, but I am just wondering why people call you like that now.” B : “Oh, it started last week when I saw a basketball lying on the school court. So I thought I would make the PE teacher upset by hiding it. I took the ball then climbed a tree to hide it there. But I got stuck and nearly fell but I grabbed on and hung there for nearly half an hour before I a janitor found me. Speak up! Work in pairs, read and act it out

12 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: 11 - I feel (really) embarrassed about it - I still blush with embarrassment at the thought of it - I almost die of embarrassment - Boy, my face must go red! - I was extremely shy - I was too shy to ask her for a date The formal and informal expressions of embarrassment Common expressions of showing embarrassment In formal situationIn informal situation I’m so embarrassedIt’s embarrassing I’m ashamed, sorry.I’m bashful to…. I’m shy to say soWhat a shame! What an embarrassment!It’s my embarrassment to…. I must say it’s an embarrassmentI was so ashamed. That’s a real embarrassment

13 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: 12 Andre : “hi, Daniel, what happens? You look nervous.” Daniel : “it’s nothing” Andre : “Really? Your face tells me that something is going on” Daniel : “yes, you’re right. Actually I’ve had an embarrassing experience.” Andre : “What is it?” Daniel : “When I was on my way home, I saw an old lady trying to cross the street.” Andre : “Why didn’t you help her to cross the street?” Daniel : “I did. I helped her to cross the street” Andre : “That’s great. So, why do you look nervous?” Daniel : “Actually, she didn’t want to cross the street. She’s just looking for her wallet.” Andre : “Really? That must be embarrassing.” Daniel : “ Certainly, I was very embarrassed.” Read the dialogue carefully and practice it!

14 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: 13 Embarrassed (adjective) feeling uncomfortable and worried about what might people think of you. Get embarrassed  She gets embarrassed every time we ask her to sing + about  I accidentally broke wind at the meeting and I feel very embarrassed about it. + by  The man was embarrassed by his lack of knowledge Embarrassing (adjective) A situation that makes you feel embarrassed Example : “She got locked in a public toilet and couldn’t get out! How embarrassing!” Embarrass (verb) To make someone feel embarrassed Example : “I hope I didn’t embarrass you in front of your friends” Embarrassment (noun) Example : “He looked down at the floor in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.” Blush / go red Example : “When he greeted her, she just blushed and smiled” “Just mention her boyfriend’s name and watch her face go red.” Collocation note

15 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: 14 Those speaking expressions are commonly used in daily conversation to express their feeling towards what has happened in their lives Summary

16 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: 15

17 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: Astuti, AM.2002.English Zone for Senior High School Students Year XI. Jakarta: Erlangga Adjeng Effie., Istiana Ayu. 2012. Fokus Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA. Sukoharjo: Sindunata Palupi, MN. 2007. English Worksheet for Senior High School. Jakarta : Ganeca REFERENSI

18 PEMERINTAH KOTA PONTIANAK DINAS PENDIDIKAN Jl. Letjen. Sutoyo Pontianak, Telp. (0561) 736711, Website: NAMA Hery Kurniawan R, S.Pd NIP - TEMPAT TUGAS SMA Gembala Baik, Pontianak NAMA Hery Kurniawan R, S.Pd NIP - TEMPAT TUGAS SMA Gembala Baik, Pontianak PENYUSUN


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