2 3 4 5 Bender, D.A. 2003. Nutritional Biochemistry of The Vitamins 2 nd edition. Cambridge University Press. New York-USA Fox, P.F. and McSweeney,

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5 5 Bender, D.A. 2003. Nutritional Biochemistry of The Vitamins 2 nd edition. Cambridge University Press. New York-USA Fox, P.F. and McSweeney, P.L.H. 1998. Dairy Chemistry and Biochemistry. Blackie Academic & Professional. London Gunstone, F.D., J.L. Harwood, A.J. Dijkstra. 2007. The Lipid Handbook The 3 rd Edition. CRC press. USA Gurr, M.I., J.L. Harwood, K.N. Frayn. 2002. Lipid Biochemistry An Introduction 5 th Edition. Blackwell Science, Ltd. UK Hames, B.D. and N.M. Hooper. 2000. Instant Notes BIOCHEMISTRY 2 nd Edition. BIOS Scientific Publishers, Ltd. UK Heldt, H.W. 2005. Plant Biochemistry 3 rd Edition. Elsevier, Inc. USA Koolman, J. and K.H. Roehm. 2005. Color Atlas of Biochemistry 2 nd edition, revised and enlarged. Thieme. Stuttgart Lehninger, Albert L., 1991, Dasar-dasar Biokimia, Erlangga, Jakarta Murray, R.K., D.K. Granner, P.A. Mayes, and V.W. Rodwell. 2003. Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 26 th Edition. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. USA Mathew, Van Holde, and Ahem, 2000, Biochemistry, 3 ed., Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Montgomery, et. al., 1993, Biokimia, Suatu Pendekatan Berorientasi Kasus, Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta Page, Davis S., 1989, Prinsip-prinsip Biokimia, ed. 2, Erlangga, Jakarta Wirahadikusuma, M., 1977, Biokimia :Protein, Enzim, dan Asam Nukleat, Penerbit ITB, Bandung Wirahadikusuma, M., 1985, Biokimia : Metabolisme Energi, Karbohidrat, dan Lipid, Penerbit ITB, Bandung Walker, S. and D. McMahon. 2008. Biochemistry Demystified. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. USA

6 6  Pendahuluan - Definisi biokimia - Ruang lingkup kajian biokimia - Kegunaan biokimia - Biomolekul dan transformasi energi  Protein - Ciri molekul protein - Sifat-sifat protein - Asam amino - Ikatan peptida - Klasifikasi protein - Organisasi struktur protein  Enzim - Penamaan dan klasifikasi Enzim - Sifat-sifat enzim - Kinetika reaksi enzim - Mekanisme reaksi enzim - Biokimia reseptor Karbohidrat -Monosakarida -Disakarida -Polisakarida -Glikosida -Oksidasidan reduksi Lipid -Lemak -Asam lemak -Sistem lipoprtein Metabolisme -Energetika dan sistem terangkai -Siklus krebs -Metabolisme karbohidrat -Metabolisme lemak

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