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Pengilangan minyak dan produk-produknya
Produk produk hidrokarbon Bensin (cair) gas Aspal (padat)
Petroleum (petroleum, yunani: πέτρα (batuan) + oleum (minyak) Terbentuk dalam lapisan bumi Proses pengilangan membentuk bahan bakar Terdiri dari senyawa hidrokarbon (senyawa organik) Termasuk minyak mentah dan minyak olahan Terbentuk dari fosil mahluk hidup seperti zooplankton dan alga yang mengalami tekanan dan panas
Petroleum Campuran kompleks hidrokarbon yang terdapat pada lapisan bumi dalam bentuk gas (gas alam), cair (crude oil), padat (lilin ,aspal). komposisi Minyak mentah Hidrokarbon padat Hidrokarbon cair : pentana dll Hidrokrbon gas: metana, etana, propana, butana
Apakah Minyak Mentah? www.csub.edu/
Minyak mentah merupakan campuran senyawa-senyawa hidrokarbon dari bahan organik. Minyak mentah bervariasi tergatung komposisinya
minyak dan gas terbuat dari campuran hidrokarbon.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Petroleum.JPG en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Octane_molecule_3D_model.png Hydrocarbon Questions for discussion: What is oil and gas? Where does it come from? Presenter notes: As we begin to think about the origin of oil and gas, a basic question we need to answer is what exactly are oil and gas? Oil and gas are complicated mixtures of different hydrocarbons. A hydrocarbon is a large organic molecule. As the name suggests it is composed of hydrogen atoms attached to a backbone, or chain, of carbon atoms. Short chain hydrocarbons like methane are gases. Medium chain hydrocarbons like paraffin are liquids. Long chain hydrocarbons like bitumen are solids. When crude oil is extracted from the earth it may be a mixture of hydrocarbons in solid, liquid and gas states. minyak dan gas terbuat dari campuran hidrokarbon. molekul hidrogen terikat pada atom karbon. Minyak mentah
Komposisi berdasar berat
Unsur persentase karbon 83 to 85% Hidrogen 10 to 14% Nitrogen 0.1 to 2% Oksigen 0.05 to 1.5% Sulfur 0.05 to 6.0% Logam < 0.1%
HIDROKARBON Hydrocarbon Rata-rata Kisaran Alkanes (paraffins) 30% 15 to 60% Naphthenes 49% 30 to 60% Aromatics 15% 3 to 30% Asphaltics 6% remainder Alkanes Naphthenes
HIDROKARBON Hydrocarbon Rata-rata Kisaran Alkanes (paraffins) 30%
15 to 60% Naphthenes 49% 30 to 60% Aromatics 15% 3 to 30% Asphaltics 6% remainder Aromatics Asphaltics
Petrol and Crude Oil Crude oil is separated by fractional distillation
works because the molecules have different boiling/condensation points many of these hydrocarbons are alkanes, and are sorted into fractions each fraction has a range of boiling points in the distillation narrow boiling ranges of limited carbon number (eg light gasoline is C5 to C7 boiling point 25C -75C)
penambangan minyak minyak dan gas diambil dengan cara mengalirkan air panas ke dalam lapisan mengandung minyak mentah untuk memompanya ke atas permukaan lapisan dan ke sumur minyak Presenter: If the geologist is lucky, he or she will strike oil and gas. A hole which contains oil and gas is called a well. The oil and gas is under considerable pressure in the Earth’s crust so once a well is drilled into the reservoir rock, the oil and gas rapidly rises to the surface. However, as more and more oil and gas comes out of the well, eventually the pressure drops and flow slows down. To get the remainder of the oil and gas out of the reservoir rock, a second hole is drilled adjacent to the first. Hot water or steam are pumped down the hole and this forces the oil and gas still trapped in the rock up the original well. This technique is known as enhanced recovery. © California Department of Conservation
gas bensin solar aphtha, any of various volatile, highly flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixtures used chiefly as solvents and diluents and as raw materials for conversion to gasoline. Naphtha was the name originally applied to the more volatile kinds of petroleum issuing from the ground in the Baku district of Azerbaijan and Iran. As early as the 1st century ad, naphtha was mentioned by the Greek writer Dioscorides and the Roman writer Pliny the Elder. Alchemists used the word principally to distinguish various mobile liquids of low boiling point, including certain ethers and esters. Bensin dan solar diperoleh dari pemisahan kandungan petrol Naptha : campuran hidrokarbon cair, mudah terbakar, bahan untuk senyawa kimia lain
Sebelum digunakan, minyak mentah harus di-”refinery”
Jet engines can burn just about any fuel, and most are approved for emergency use of fuels other than kerosene. The maintenance manuals give the approved fuels and maximum number of hours they can be used. They use kerosene (Jet A, JP-4, JP-5) because it has a high energy content, is easily transportable, remains liquid over a large temperature range, is easily storable, and available world wide. One downside to kerosene is that it is a growth medium for bacteria, and if left sitting for a while, must be treated to kill the bacteria before being used. Turbine engines use a large amount of fuel (each JT8D on the MD80 uses about 500 gallons an hour in cruise). Jet A is less well-refined than automotive or aviation gasoline, making it cheaper to make (During "normal" times, Jet A is a little more than half the cost of aviation gasoline.) Because of the large amounts of fuel required for a given flight, a lot of research is being done on alternate fuels, and a Virgin 747 recently made a flight using "biojet" fuel in one of its engines. A company in southern California is working on growing algae that can be converted to jet fuel. Sebelum digunakan, minyak mentah harus di-”refinery” Hidrocarbon-hidrokarbon dipisah dengan “distillation”, yang menghasilkan berbagai jenis minyak dan gas
Hasil Fraksionasi minyak mentah
Refinery Gas (LPG) Light Gasoline (Petrol) Naphtha (Petrol) Kerosene (Jet Fuel) Gas Oil (Diesel Fuel) Residue Fractions (Bitumen)
Gas alam Domestik dan industri. methane, CH4, (sedikitnya 85%),
ethane, C2H6, (sampai 10%) propane, C3H8, butane, C4H10.
Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Gas dalam kemasan tabung (domestik). Propana dan butana (mudah berupa cair dalam tekanan tertentu)
Mercaptans Sangat bau, senyawa sulfur organik, disebut mercaptan
Ditambahkan pada gas alam atau elpiji Mempermudah mendeteksi kebocoran gas
Komposisi BENSIN Campuran kompleks senyawa kimia
Senyawa utama : Hidrokarbon Alkana bercabang Senyawa Aromatik
Bensin dalam Mesin Pembakaran
Menjadi uap Bercampur dgn udara Mengalami kompresi (tekanan) Terpercik api (oleh busi) dan terbakar Terbentuk gas yang mengembang Terbentuk tenaga
Bensin dalam Mesin Pembakaran
Bilangan oktan adalah angka yang menunjukkan seberapa besar tekanan yang bisa diberikan sebelum bensin terbakar secara spontan.
Pembakaran dini dalam mesin
Di dalam mesin, campuran udara dan bensin (dalam bentuk gas) ditekan oleh piston sampai dengan volume yang sangat kecil Kemudian dibakar oleh percikan api oleh busi. Karena besarnya tekanan ini, campuran udara dan bensin juga bisa terbakar secara spontan sebelum percikan api dari busi keluar. Jika campuran gas ini terbakar karena tekanan yang tinggi (bukan karena percikan api dari busi), akan terjadi knocking atau ketukan di dalam mesin yg merusak mesin. kita hindari
Pembakaran dini Problem: Auto-ignition (i.e. knocking or pinking)
Effects: a) hilang tenaga b) kerusakan mesin Solusi: a) ditamah zat additives b) atur campuran dengan senyawa oktan tinggi
Bilangan Oktan Mengukur kecenderungan ketahanan terbakar secara spontan atau Mengukur kecenderungan penyebab “knocking” Makin rendah bilangan oktan, makin mudah terbakar secara spontan Octane rating or octane number is a standard measure of the performance of a motor or aviation fuel. The higher the octane number, the more compression the fuel can withstand before detonating (igniting). In broad terms, fuels with a higher octane rating are used in high performance petrol engines that require larger compression ratios. In contrast, fuels with lower octane numbers (but higher cetane numbers) are ideal for diesel engines, because diesel engines (also referred to as compression-ignition engines) do not compress the fuel but rather compress only air and then inject the fuel into the air heated up by compression, whereas petrol engines (also referred to as gasoline engines) rely on ignition of air and fuel compressed together as a mixture without ignition, which is then ignited at the end of the compression stroke using spark plugs. Therefore, high compressibility of the fuel matters greatly for only petrol engines. Use of gasoline (also known as petrol) with lower octane numbers may lead to the problem of engine knocking.[
Menentukan Bilangan Oktan
2,2,4-tri-methylpentane Bilangan Oktan =100 Heptane Bilangan Oktan = 0 Octane Number Measure of the ignition quality of gas (gasoline or petrol). Higher this number, the less susceptible is the gas to 'knocking' (explosion caused by its premature burning in the combustion chamber) when burnt in a standard (spark-ignition internal combustion) engine. Octane number denotes the percentage (by volume) of iso-octane (a type of octane) in a combustible mixture (containing iso-octane and normal-heptane) whose 'anti-knocking' characteristics match those of the gas being tested. In the older vehicles, high octane numbers were achieved by adding lead tetraethyl to the gas (the 'leaded gas'), a pollutant that contributes to lead poisoning (see Lead). In the newer vehicles, the same result is achieved by the engine design that increases turbulence in the combustion chamber, and/or by adding aromatic hydrocarbons (such as xylenes) and oxygenates (oxygen-containing compounds such as alcohols) to the gas (the 'unleaded gas'). Also called Octane rating. See also cetane number. Read more:
Kedua (Isooktan dan n-heptan) adalah senyawa adalah isomer
Octane Number Measure of the ignition quality of gas (gasoline or petrol). Higher this number, the less susceptible is the gas to 'knocking' (explosion caused by its premature burning in the combustion chamber) when burnt in a standard (spark-ignition internal combustion) engine. Octane number denotes the percentage (by volume) of iso-octane (a type of octane) in a combustible mixture (containing iso-octane and normal-heptane) whose 'anti-knocking' characteristics match those of the gas being tested. In the older vehicles, high octane numbers were achieved by adding lead tetraethyl to the gas (the 'leaded gas'), a pollutant that contributes to lead poisoning (see Lead). In the newer vehicles, the same result is achieved by the engine design that increases turbulence in the combustion chamber, and/or by adding aromatic hydrocarbons (such as xylenes) and oxygenates (oxygen-containing compounds such as alcohols) to the gas (the 'unleaded gas'). Also called Octane rating. See also cetane number. Read more: isomer 2,2,4-tri-methylpentane (C8H18) isooktan N-heptan C8H18 n
Kedua senyawa adalah isomer
Isooctane (atas) memiliki bilangan oktan 100 sedang n-heptane memiliki bilangan oktan 0
Dasar penetapan Bilangan Oktan
Bilangan oktan suatu bensin dapat ditentukan melalui uji pembakaran sampel bensin untuk memperoleh karakteristik pembakarannya. Karakteristik tersebut kemudian dibandingkan dengan karakteristik pembakaran dari berbagai campuran n-heptana dan isooktana. Jika ada karakteristik yang sesuai, maka kadar isooktana dalam campuran n-heptana dan isooktana tersebut digunakan untuk menyatakan nilai bilangan oktan dari bensin yang diuji.
Penambahan senyawa untuk tingkatkan bilangan oktan
Timbal seperti “tetra ethyl lead” Melindungi reaksi pembakaran Dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan Dilarang sejak tahun 2000 Oksigenasi Naikkan bailangan oktan Polusi sedikit
Campuran senyawa yang menaikkan bilangan oktan
Molecular features: Menambah jumlah cabang hidrokarbon Memperpendek rantai hidrokarbon Adanya cincin hidrokarbon
untuk tingkatkan bilangan oktan, bisa juga dengan:
Isomerisation Dehydrocyclisation Catalytic cracking All three methods involve the use of catalysts
Isomerisasi alkana seperti : pentana C ─ C ─ C ─ C ─ C (O.N.62)
Panaskan Rantaian terputus Satukan lagi putusan rantai menjadi, msal:.2-methylbutane C ─ C ─ C ─ C │ (O.N.93) C
Dehydrocyclisation Rantai tidak bercabang : hexane (O.N. 25)
Katalisator merubah heksana jadi cycloalkane (O.N. 83) C6H14 → (CH2)6 + H2 Katalisator merubah cycloalkane menjadi senyawa aromatik ( benzene) (O.N. >100) (CH2)6 → 3H C6H6 Benzene
Pemecahan senyawa kerosine atau diesel yang kompleks
Dengan suhu tinggi dan katalisator, menjadi senyawa yang sederhana Menjadi senyawa rantai jenuh (bilangan oktan jadi tinggi)
Pemecahan senyawa CH3 ─ (CH2)10 ─ CH3 ↓ CH3 CH3 │ │
│ │ CH3 ─ CH ─ CH2 ─ CH ─ CH3 + CH3 │ CH2 = C ─ CH2 ─ CH3
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