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Diterbitkan olehDesti Aryanto Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
Property & Real Estate Management – 2 3 September 2009
Business Process Re-Engineering
Business Process RE-Engineering
4 Value Matrix in BPR: Improved Product Quality Improved Service Reduce Cycle Time Reduced Cost “Doing it right at the first time”
Business Process RE-Engineering in Property Management
Negotiating tenancies and their terms and conditions Establishing a proper tenant mix through tenant selection Optimizing the income from the property, maximizing the capital value in the process Exploring the merger of interest with adjacent properties where possible Maximizing the occupancy rate of the complex Determining the rents, outgoings, service charges
Business Process RE-Engineering in Property Management
Implementing letting strategies Implementing advertising, promotional and publicity strategies Monitoring Tax implications Maintaining adequate insurance Maintaining the building fabric Preparing investment reports on the property Obtaining and maintaining strata titles
Quality Assurance and Property Management
Accurate interpretation of instructions Prompt delivery of advice relating to the instructions Continuing care during the duration of the instructions The end user’s or clients confirmation that the firm has fully complied with the terms of the instructions The end user’s or clients that the charges are fair
Quality Assurance and Property Management
Periodic monitoring of those factors which affect satisfactory services Introductions of Quality Management Systems designed to ensure clear and measured added value to clients Training Monitoring service requirements through auditing the end user’s or clients views on the property management services provided
Quality Assurance and Property Management
Management Process required in Quality Management: Management Review Terkait dengan isue-isue : Delivery as planned, taking into account - untuk hasil akhir; audit, koreksi dan action Document control Document : terpakai, tidak terpakai Rekord keeping Untuk keperluan Audit, bisa diikuti Internal autdit review effective of PM activity and procedure Client Interface to ensure client satisfactory Service Training
Property Management Plan
Inventory (To maintain a proper inventory of the property): Mendata seluruh aspek phisik property seperti : luas lantai, data detail penyewa, kondisi perjanjian, alat dan mesin dan seluruh pekerjaan yang sedang dan akan diselesaikan Asset Management Pada prinsipnya ini adalah memaksimalkan pengembalian investasi. Rekayasa financial dan hitungan investasi memberikan improvisasi pada nilai aset dibandingkan dengan beberapa investasi yang lain Marketing Marketing adalah salah satu masukan bagi strategi pengelolaan aset. Pengembangan pemasaran yang efektif pada komersial property akan memberikan kontribusi kepada property yang berhasil secara fungsi dan pengambalian investasi Maintenance Hal lain sebagai masukan yang sangat penting bagi strategi pengelolaan aset adalah perawatan dan pemeliharaan.
Facility Management
Facility Management - overview
In business, facility management is the management of buildings and services. The services are sometimes considered to be divided into "hard services" and "soft services." Hard services includes such things as ensuring that a building's air conditioning is operating efficiently, reliably, safely and legally. Soft services includes such things as ensuring that the building is cleaned properly and regularly or monitoring the performance of contractors. The term "facility management" is similar to "property management" but often applied only to larger and/or commercial properties where the management and operation is more complex. Some or all of these aspects can be maintained by data-rich computer programs.
Facility Management - overview
It is the role of facility management to ensure that everything is available and operating properly for building occupants to do their work. Facility management may range from the small scale (e.g. single small building custodial services) to the large scale (such as bank which has multi locations) or even on an international scale (e.g. global service provision to a multinational corporation).
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