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Training, Learning, and Development Strategy

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Presentasi berjudul: "Training, Learning, and Development Strategy"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Training, Learning, and Development Strategy
Dwi Handono Sulistyo

2 Pokok Bahasan Pengertian & Ruang Lingkup Training Strategy
Development Strategy Learning Strategy

3 Pengertian & ruang lingkup
Pokok Bahasan 1: Pengertian & ruang lingkup

4 Pengertian Strategic HRD is defined by Walton (1999) as follows:
‘Strategic human resource development involves introducing, eliminating, modifying, directing, and guiding processes in such a way that all individuals and teams are equipped with the skills, knowledge and competences they require to undertake current and future tasks required by the organization.’



7 Tujuan Strategic HRD Aims:
to produce a coherent and comprehensive framework for: developing people through the creation of a learning culture and the formulation of organizational and individual learning strategies.

8 Pokok Bahasan 2: Training strategy

9 Prinsip Dasar Pelatihan apa yang dibutuhkan agar Tenaga Kesehatan MAU dan MAMPU melaksanakan program/kegiatan untuk mencapai VISI? SIAPA saja yang harus dilatih? Bagaimana? Kapan?

10 only two questions, they should be
1. What knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors help support our vision and mission and 2. What knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors are barriers to our vision and mission?

11 Isu-isu Pelatihan stratejik, teknis, fungsional, program
Pelatihan untuk swasta? Kebutuhan organisasi vs individu Studi kasus: pelatihan Ka Dinkes

12 Pelatihan efektif: identik dengan penelitian  pilihan peserta (sampling); kontrol; before-after; follow up after training

13 Isu efektivitas Pelatihan
Pelatihan efektif: identik dengan penelitian  pilihan peserta (sampling); kontrol; before-after; follow up after training

14 Pokok Bahasan 3: Development strategy

15 Prinsip Dasar Development/Pengembangan apa yang dibutuhkan agar Tenaga Kesehatan MAU dan MAMPU melaksanakan program/kegiatan untuk mencapai VISI? SIAPA saja yang harus dikembangkan? Bagaimana? Kapan?

16 Reasons for emphasizing the growth and development of personnel
Creating a pool of readily available and adequate replacements for personnel who may leave or move up in the organization. Enhancing the company's ability to adopt and use advances in technology because of a sufficiently knowledgeable staff. Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated team, which enhances the company's competitive position and improves employee morale. Ensuring adequate human resources for expansion into new programs.











27 Pokok Bahasan 4: Learning strategy

28 DD/ Learning & Training
Learning should be distinguished from training. ‘Learning is the process by which a person constructs new knowledge, skills and capabilities, whereas training is one of several responses an organization can undertake to promote learning’ (Reynolds et al 2002).

29 Prinsip Dasar Learning apa yang dibutuhkan agar Tenaga Kesehatan MAU dan MAMPU melaksanakan program/kegiatan untuk mencapai VISI? SIAPA saja yang harus di”learning”kan? Bagaimana? Kapan?

30 Isu-isu Learning “dipaksa” dan “kemauan sendiri”
Learning “formal” dan “informal” Learning “individu”; “tim”; dan “organisasi”

31 Karakteristik Informal Learning

32 E-learning Siapa providernya? Outsourcing?
Pendekatan individu; tim; organisasi? Kebutuhan saat ini atau masa depan? RBV vs stratejik



35 HP: Terima Kasih

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