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Oleh kelompok 7: Ahmad Zakiah Angga Ramadian Anindhya Gary W Cut Gina Petrina
Karir Sebagai Seorang Arsitek
Sepertihalnya sebuah project arsitektural, Sebuah karir haruslah direncanakan dengan hati-hati. Bagaimana dalam sebuah project adanya langkah-langkah seperti pemrograman , desain skematik, pengembangan skematik, menggambar, konstruksi, dalam karir adapula langkah-langkah dalam merencanakan proses pengembangan karir, sebagai berikut: Assessing Exploring Decision-making Planning
1. Assessing Assessing atau menilai adalah langkah yang sama dengan programing dengan mempelajari atau mengetahui batasan-batasan diri anda sendiri, berikut yang harus dipertimbangkan: Values Interests Skills 2. Exploring Dalam pengembangan karir, exploring yang dimaksud adalah pengumpulan informasi-informasi di dunia kerja 3. Decision-making Pada tahap ini dilakukan seleksi dari hasil-hasil informasi yang sudah terkumpul 4. Planning Tahap merencanakan dalam rangka merealisasikan semua apa yang sudah ditetapkan
Profesi-profesi dalam Arsitektur
Cabang ilmu arsitektur itu sendiri merupakan ilmu yang sangat luas karena banyaknya masalah yang harus dipertimbangkan dan dicerna dalam desain, luas dan bergamnya ilmu yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang arsitek membuat beragam pula profesi-profesi yang dapat dijalani oleh seorang arsitek, secara garis besar profesi arsitektural terbagi dua yaitu: Traditional career-path Adalah profesi yang menjalankan ilmu-ilmu arsitekturalnya di bidang yang memang murni berhubungan dengan ilmu tersebut. Non-traditional career-path Adalah profesi yang dikembangankan selama proses pendidikan arsitektur.
Cabang-Cabang Profesi Arsitek
Ada total 7 cabang jenis profesi yang bisa diambil oleh seorang arsitek Traditional Firm Other Employment Settings Architectural Education Art and Design Science and Technical Construction Related Professional
Cabang-Cabang Profesi Arsitek
Traditional Firm 1.Principal : The Head of the firm 2.Project Architect : Make sure that :-the drawings are put together correctly -the building can actually be built -the design meets codes and zoning laws -the design meets the functional needs of the client 3.Staff Architect : Staff that working below the architect 4.Senior Designer : Designer that have an experience more than 5 years 5.Junior Designer : Designer that have an experience less than 5 years 6.Draftsperson : Enter an architect’s design into the computer 7.Intern : That work under the professional and looking for experience to get license. 8.Model Maker : The one that make the model of a building from the drawing that made by the architect
Cabang-Cabang Profesi Arsitek
Other Employment 1.Architectural Illustrator : That work on making architectural illustration 2.Corporate Architect : 3.Facilities Architect : The architect that is expert and have a lot of experience in designing facilities 4.Public Architect : The architect that is expert and have a lot of experience in designing public place. 5.University Architect : The architect that is expert and have a lot of experience in designing university.
Cabang-Cabang Profesi Arsitek
Architectural Education 1.Professor : 2.Architectural Historian : That work as historian that know almost all history from building. 3.Academic Dean/ Administrator : 4.Researcher :
Cabang-Cabang Profesi Arsitek
Construction 1.Carpenter : That work in making furniture/ building with wood material. 2.Construction Manager : 3.Construction Software Designer : 4.Contractor : 5.Estimator : 6.Fire Protection Designer : That work in designing fire protection for building. 7.Land Surveyor : That work on surveying the land 8.Project Manager : 9.Real Estate Developer :
Cabang-Cabang Profesi Arsitek
Art and Design 1.Architectural Photographer : The one that taking architectural photo as to publish in magazine/web. 2.Art/Creative Director : 3.Artist : That work on making the art 4.Clothing Designer : That work on designing clothes for fashion 5.Exhibit Designer: That work on designing exhibition (ex: Art exhibition/ Electronic exhibition) 6.Filmmaker : That work as the one that make the film 7.Furniture Designer : That work on designing furniture (ex: Arm chair, table, etc.) 8.Graphic Artist/Designer : 9.Industrial/Product Designer : 10.Interior Designer : That work on Interior placing (ex: decorating room and make space) 11.Landscape Architect : Architect that work in landscape area for designing. 12.Lightning Designer : That work on Designing the lightning for ex: exhibition/ music concert 13.Museum Curator : 14.Set Designer : That work on designing set of an event with theme and concept 15.Toy Designer : That work on designing toy for kids/ people 16.Web Designer : That work on designing website that can be use for many thing.
Cabang-Cabang Profesi Arsitek
Science and Technical 1.Building Pathologist : 2.Cartographer : is a person who creates maps, whether they're of the world or the local bus routes 3.Civil Engineer : the one that work on planning, design and manage construction projects 4.Computer System Analyst : 5.Construction/Building Inspector : 6.Illuminating Engineer : 7.Marine Architect : 8.Structural Engineer :
Cabang-Cabang Profesi Arsitek
Related Professional 1.Architectural Critic : 2.City Manager : 3.Environmental Planner : 4.Golf Course Architect : That work on designing the golf course 5.Lawyer : a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for clients in other legal matters 6.Preservationist : 7.Product Manufacturer Representatif : 8.Property Assesor : 9.Public Official : 10.Real Estate Agent : A person with a state/provincial license to represent a buyer or a seller in a real estate transaction in exchange for commission. 11.Urban Planner : 12.Writer :
Architectural Photographer
Land Surveyor Model Maker Architectural illustrator Furniture Designer Architectural Photographer Reasearcher
Sumber: Waldrep, Lee W. Becoming an Architect. New Jersey:Wiley. 2006
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