TEORI DAN RISET PENGAJARAN Hansiswany Kamarga. Pengertian Pengajaran (Hitchcock & Hughes, 1989)  Teaching is that which goes on between teachers & learners.

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2 Pengertian Pengajaran (Hitchcock & Hughes, 1989)  Teaching is that which goes on between teachers & learners in classrooms  Activity which can take place in a variety of setting and with markedly different groups of learners  Teaching will be based upon an understanding of learning process, specifics of child development  social activities

3 Pengajaran dan Mengajar  Teaching involves the application of technical & professional skills and knowledge to particular situation  Involve teachers making judgement, competencies for delivery knowledge, management of learning environment  Teaching is made up of individual teachers, have their own personal and career histories, their own personalities, their own attitudes, values & experiences  shaped by their past, gender, age, and ethnicity

4 Implementasi Kurikulum Menurut Schubert :  Programme of planned activities  Intended learning uotcomes  Cultural reproduction  Experience  Discrete task & concept  Agenda for social reconstruction

5 Posisi pengajaran dalam kegiatan pendidikan Menurut Lapp, tujuan mengajar :  Memelihara, mewariskan, dan meneruskan pengetahuan  Pembentukan dan penguasaan kompetensi  Mengembangkan kemampuan siswa  Mengembangkan hubungan siswa dengan lingkungan

6 RESEARCH based on curriculum implementation Teaching models never come about by accident They are generally the result of gradual reformations of a long-standing set of beliefs They are the result of a constant interaction between the school personnel and the demands of society Posisi pengajaran dalam kegiatan pendidikan

7 Penelitian berbasis implementasi kurikulum yang dituntut kurikulum Tujuan Materi Proses Hasil yang dituntut masyarakat Perkembangan IPTEK Pewarisan Budaya Perubahan Politik Pengajaran

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