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Presentasi berjudul: "COMPARISON DEGREE, AND CAUSATIVE HAVE AND GET"— Transcript presentasi:


2 Comparison Degree (Tingkat Perbandingan)
Yang Beraturan Ada tiga tingkat perbandingan untuk kata sifat dan kata keterangan dalam bahasa Inggris, yakni : Positive / Equal Degree ( tingkat perbandingan yang setara) Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu dalam keadaan seperti apa adanya. Pattern : as + adjective + as The same + as not so + adjective + as the same + noun + as Example : Bill is as tall as you (are) * 7 x 12 is the same as 3 x 28 Bill is not so tall as you (are) * I arrived the same time as Tim

3 Comparative Degree (yang satu lebih dari yang lain )
Jika terdiri dari satu dan dua suku kata : Pattern : Adjective + er + than ex : Bill is taller than you (are) Jika terdiri dari lebih dari dua suku kata : Pattern : More + adjective + than ex : Mary is much more beautiful than her sister (is) Comparative degree + Comparative degree artinya semakin lama semakin ex : The train moves faster and faster. The + Comparative degree the + comparative degree artinya lebih lebih ex : The more money he has, the better car he gets.

4 Superlative Degree (Tingkat perbandingan paling)
Jika terdiri dari satu dan dua suku kata : Pattern : The + adjective + est in/of ex : Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia. Jika terdiri dari lebih dari dua suku kata : Pattern : The + most + adjective in/of ex : She is the most beautiful girl of all Yang tidak beraturan Positive Comparative Superlative good/well better the best bad/ill worse the worst many/much more the most little less the least far farther/further the farthest/the furthest old older/elder the oldest/the eldest late later the last/the latest Example : * Tono is a better student than Hadi Joko is the best student in class.

5 Subject + have/make/let/help
CAUSATIVE Causative adalah suatu pola kalimat yang menyatakan bahwa seseorang/subjek menyebabkan orang lain melakukan sesuatu atau menyebabkan sesuatu dikerjakan untuknya oleh orang lain. Jenis Causative terdiri dari 2, yaitu: Active Causative ( menyuruh ORANG me/ber ) Subjek menyuruh / menyebabkan objek (pelaku) melakukan suatu tindakan. Subject + have/make/let/help + object (manusia) + V1

6 Subject + ask/get/permit/allow/help + object + V1
Example : Mary had John wash the car. (Mary menyuruh John mencuci mobil) The robber made the teller give the money. (Pencuri memaksa teller memberikan uang) I have my nanny iron my cloth. (Saya menyuruh Nanny menyetrika baju saya) Pola diatas mempunyai makna yang sama dg pola di bawah ini : Mary got John to wash the car The robber asked the teller to give the money Subject + ask/get/permit/allow/help + object + V1

7 Subject + have/get + object (benda) + V3
Passive Causative ( menyuruh BENDA di ) Apabila objek dalam causative berupa benda (mati), passive causative digunakan dimana subjek menginginkan suatu objek dikerjakan orang lain. Example : Mary got her car washed (Mary menyuruh mobilnya dicuci). Franky has his shirts cleaned at the dry cleaner. I have my cloth ironed. ( Saya menyuruh baju saya disetrika) The government got the bridge built quickly We must have the floor cleaned as soon as possible. Subject + have/get + object (benda) + V3

8 NOTE : Jika ada perubahan tenses, maka kata “have” atau “get” nya yang berubah. Have menyuruh / memerintahkan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu. Get meminta ( dengan persuasif) seseorang melakukan sesuatu. Kedua bentuk baik Active Causative maupun Passive Causative bermakna sama yaitu menyuruh orang untuk melakukan sesuatu.

9 EXERCISES : Choose and underline the right answer in the bracket ! I’ll have my watch ( repaired, repair ). The teacher always has the students ( study, studied) hard for the exam. Have Vina ( sing, sung ) the song? . Have the song ( sing, sung )? . Don’t have me ( do, done ) this. She had her boyfriend ( visit, visited ) her. Did Dessy have the trousers ( shortehed, shorten )? .

10 Choose the right answers !
Have you had your brother me? a. leave b. left c. to leave d. leaves He always want me his job. a. to take over b. take over c. taken over d. takes over Did you have Nita here yesterday at six? a. is b. was c. to be d. be Don’t have him the cat. a. killed b. to kill c. kill d. kills I’ll have the letter a. send b. to send c. sends d. sent

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