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1 PASSIVE VOICE English Lesson III
Created By : -Imam Maulana -Indra Prayoga -Irhas Novelani -Muhammad Hilmi Aslam -Muhammad Iqbal Alfani

2 Remember It ! Active voice takes the form “A does B”
ex : We chose plastic film to cover the microphone. Kami Memasukkan plastik film untuk menutupi mikrofon Passive voice takes the form “B is done (by A)” ex : Plastic film was chosen (by us) to cover the microphone. Plastik film dimasukkan (oleh kami) untuk menutupi mikrofon

3 Active voice subjects perform an act
Passive voice objects are acted on Active voice We ... chose ... plastic film to cover the microphone. Subject Verb Object Passive voice Plastic film … was chosen … to cover the microphone. Object Verb Subject

4 Present Tense simple Continous perfect Perfect continous V1
Active V1 Ex: write (menulis) To be (are, am, is) + V1 + ing Ex:…am writing (sedang menulis) Have/has + V3 Ex: have written (telah menulis) Have/has + been + V1 + ing Ex: has been writing (sudah menulis) passive To be (are, am, is) + V3 Ex: is written (ditulis) To be (are, am, is) + being + V3 Ex: is being written (sedang ditulis) Have/has + been + V3 Ex: has been writen (telah ditulis) Have/has + been + being + V3 Ex: has been being written (telah ditulis)

5 Present Tense Simple present tense Active : I paint the mosque in Sunday (saya mencat masjid di hari minggu) Passive : The mosque is painted by me on sunday (masjid dicat oleh saya di hari minggu) Present continous Active : Fuad is delivering the message in Campus (Fuad sedang berdakwah di kampus) Passive : The message is delivered by Fuad in Campus (Dakwah disampaikan Fuad di kampus)

6 Present perfect Active : We have passed the exam for all day (Kami telah selesai ujian seharian penuh) Passive : The exam has been passed by us for all day (ujian telah selesai dilewati oleh kami seharian penuh) Present perfect continous Active : We have been digging the land for two hours (Kami telah menggali tanah selama dua jam) Passive : The land has been being digged by us for two hours (Tanah telah digali oleh kami selama dua jam)

7 Past Tense Simple Continous Perfect Perfect continous Active V2
Ex: wrote (menulis; lampau) Were/was + V1 + ing Ex: was writing (sedang menulis; lampau) Had+already+V3 Ex : had already written (telah selesai menulis) Had + been + V1 + ing Ex: had been writing (telah sedang menulis) Passive Was/were + V3 Ex: was written (ditulis; lampau) Was/were + being + V3 Ex: was being written (sedang ditulis; lampau) Had+been+V3 Ex :Had been written (telah selesai ditulis) Had been + being + V3 Ex: had been writing (telah sedang ditulis)

8 Past Tense Simple past tense Active : He remind the Qur’an last night
(Dia memuroja’ah Qur’an tadi malam) Passive : The Qur’an was reminded by him last night (Qur’an dimuroja’ah olehnya tadi malam) Past continous tense Active : I was writing a letter when she came (Saya sedang menulis surat ketika dia datang) Passive : The letter was being written by me when she came (surat sedang ditulis oleh saya ketika dia datang)

9 Past perfect tense Active : I had already written the letter before she came (saya telah selesai menulis surat ketika dia datang) Passive : The letter had been written by me before she came (surat itu telah ditulis oleh saya ketika dia datang) Past perfect continous Active : They had been living in ma’had for two years when I came (Mereka telah sedang tinggal di ma’had selama dua tahun ketika saya datang) Passive : Ma’had had been being lived by them for two years when I came (Ma’had itu telah sedang ditinggali oleh mereka selama dua tahun ketika saya datang)

10 Future Tense Simple Continous Perfect Perfect continous Active
Shall/will + V1 Ex: shall write (akan menulis) Shall/will + be + V1 + ing Ex: shall be writing (akan sedang menulis) Shall/will + have + V3 Ex: shall have written (akan sudah menulis) Shall/will + have been + V1 + ing Ex: shall have been writing (akan sudah sedang menulis) Passive Will + be + V3 Ex: will be written (akan ditulis) Will + be + being + V3 Ex: will be being written (akan sedang ditulis) Will + have been + V3 Ex: will have been written (akan sudah ditulis) Will + have been + being + V3 Ex: will have been being written (akan sudah sedang ditulis)

11 Future Tense Simple future Active : We will go to mount after exam
(Kami akan pergi ke gunung setelah ujian) Passive : The mount will be came by us after exam (gunung akan kami datangi setelah ujian) Future continous Active : I shall by studying english if you come at seven o’clock to night (Saya akan sedang belajar bahasa inggris jika kamu datang jam tujuh malam Passive : English will be being studied by me if you come at seven o’clock to night (bahasa inggris akan sedang dipelajari oleh saya jika kamu datang jam tujuh malam)

12 Future perfect Active : I shall have finished my work to night (Saya akan sudah menyelesaikan pelajaranku malam ini) Passive : The work will have been finished by me to night (pekerjaan itu akan sudah diselesaikan oleh saya malam ini) Future perfect continous Active : I shall have been studying english for two hours when you came to night (Saya akan sudah sedang belajar inggris selama dua jam ketika kamu datang) Passive : English will have been being studied by me for two hours when you came to night (Bahasa inggris akan sudah sedang dipelajari oleh saya selama dua jam ketika kamu datang)

13 Future Past Simple Continous Perfect Perfect continous Active
Should/would + V1 Ex: should write (akan menulis; lampau) Should/would + be + V1 + ing Ex: should be writing (seharusnya menulis; lampau) Should/would + have + V3 Ex: should have written (akan sudah menulis; lampau) Should/would + have been = V1 + ing Ex: should have been writing (akan sudah sedang menulis; lampau) passive Should/Would + be + V3 Ex: would be written (akan ditulis; lampau) Would + be + being + V3 Ex: would be being written (seharusnya ditulis; lampau) Would + have + been + being + V3 Ex: would have been being written (akan sudah ditulis) Would + have been +being + V3 Ex: would have been being written (akan sudah sedang ditulis; lampau)

14 Future Past Tense Future past Active : He would open the door
(Dia akan membuka pintu itu) Passive : The door will be opened by him (Pintu itu harusnya dibuka olehnya) Future past continous Active : They would be playing tennis (Mereka seharusnya sedang bermain tenis) Passive : Tennis would be being play by them (Tenis seharusnya sedang dimainkan oleh mereka)

15 Future past perfect tense
Active : She would have finished the work (Dia akan sudah menyelesaikan tugas itu) Passive : That work would have been finished by her (Pekerjaan iu akan sudah diselesaikan olehnya) Future past perfect continous Active : He would have been painting the house (Dia akan sudah sedang mengecat rumah itu) Passive : the house would have been being painted by her (Rumah itu akan sudah sedang dicat olehnya)

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