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Control Chart (Peta Kendali)
Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e
Types of Statistical Quality Control
Process Control Acceptance Sampling Variables Charts Attributes Charts This slide provides a framework for differentiating between “Process Control” and “Acceptance Sampling,” and “Variables” and “Attributes.” One might also raise the distinction between producer (process control) and customer (acceptance sampling). The next several slides deal with these distinctions. Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 2
Types of Statistical Quality Control
Konsep Pengendalian Mutu PROSES Perfomance of characteristis quality chart This slide provides a framework for differentiating between “Process Control” and “Acceptance Sampling,” and “Variables” and “Attributes.” One might also raise the distinction between producer (process control) and customer (acceptance sampling). The next several slides deal with these distinctions. Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 3
Manfaat Umum Peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan Pengurangan pemborosan
Perbaikan pengendalian dalam proses Peningkatan efisiensi Peningkatan jaminan kualitas pelanggan Perbaikan analisis dan monitoring proses Peningkatan pemahaman thdp proses Pengurangan keluhan pelanggan Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e
Manfaat pada proses Proses memiliki stabilitas ttg perilaku jgk pendek
Proses punya identitas untuk prediksi kondisi y.a.d Proses berada dlm kondisi ”batas kendali” dg variabilitas dan error yg lbh rendah Proses dlm bts kendali memenuhi spesifikasi produk Proses yg tdk stabil bs diperbaiki Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e
Perusahaan tdk mau...? Kurang menyadari manfaat SPC
Kurangnya sumberdaya dan anggaran Hambatan waktu Budaya organisasi yg tdk siap menggunakan SPC Bukan prioritas bisnis komersial prshn Keputusan manajemen (tanpa SPC jg bisa sukses) Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e
Statistical Process Control Steps
Produce Good Provide Service Stop Process Yes No Take Sample Inspect Sample Find Out Why Create Control Chart Start Can we assign causes? This slide introduces the statistical control process. It may be helpful here to walk students through an example or two of the process. The first walk through should probably be for a manufacturing process. The next several slides present information about the various types of process control slides: Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 7
Control Chart Types Continuous Numerical Data
Categorical or Discrete Numerical Data Control Charts Variables Attributes Charts Charts This slide simply introduces the various types of control charts. R X P C Chart Chart Chart Chart Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e 8
Control Charts Classification..
Variables - concentrates on mean for some measurable characteristic (pengukuran) diameter length Attribute - data is based on counts or the number of times we observe a particular event (perhitungan) proportion defective/non-defective go/no go Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e
TYPE CONTROL CHART Example Subyek Tipe Panjang,lebar,berat,volume
Data diukur Peta X-R Jumlah cacat lubang (p,v) dr ukuran t3, tetap Data dihitung Peta c Jumlah kerusakan Jenis kerusakan (dlm proporsi) Peta p Example Subyek Tipe Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e
Tahapan Analisis Peta Kendali
Memilih karakteristik yg akan direncanakan (prioritas tinggi pd proses yg sgt mempengaruhi kualitas produk akhir) Memilih tipe peta kendali Menentukan garis pusat (Center Line) dan batas kendali atas dan bawah (UCL dan LCL) Penempatan data dan interpretasi hasil Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e
Process Control Charts
An example of a control chart. . Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e
Pola Peta Kendali Ask the students to imagine a product, and consider what problem might cause each of the graph configurations illustrated. Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e
Terima Kasih Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render – Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e
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