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Medical opinion : it is impossible any medicine to have effects without side effects If herbs are claimed to be free from side effects they are probably no effective either
Patients believe that herbs are safe Many herbalists emphasize the same point They refer to the most established remedies by millions of people since prehistory
Endogenus Eksogenous
Endogenous Index terapi sempit; Digitalis Datura stramonium (50 mg), Atropa belladona ( herba 50 mg, radix 30 mg)
Curcumin is a major component of food flavouring turmeric and has been used as a herbal medicine. Curcumin shows a variety of physiological and pharmacological effects, and several studies indicate curcumin to be anticarcinogenic and antiinflammatory
Acceptable daily intake (ADI) for curcumin is 1–3 mg/kg body weight, based on the no observed effect (NOE) level of 250–320 mg/kg body weight per day in the multi generation study in rats and the application of a safety factor of 100
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Perasa dalam produk rokok Perasa dalam permen Farmakologi: Antivirus Pengobatan kanker Obat gangguan GI Anti inflamasi Obat diabetes
Dosis: 2-15 gr untuk ulcer dan gastritis dosis yang lebih tinggi dapat menyebabkan hiperkalemia NOAEL: 2 mg/ kg hari ADI : o,2 mg/ kg BB
Stevia rebaudiana
Kegunaan : Pemanis (Stevio glikosida) pengganti gula pada penderita diabetes ADI: 4 mg/ kgBB
EUROPEAN HERBAL INFUSIONS ASSOCIATION Inventory list of Herbals considered as Food
Alkaloid : pirrolizidine hepatotoxic Glikosida sianida Asam aristolosat
Many common plants contain the natural form of cyanide, cyanic glucoside. Its presence may be the product of evolution, as it deters animals and insects from consuming the entire plant.
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are of special interest currently because several of them have been shown to cause toxic reactions in humans, primarily veno-occlusive liver disease, when ingested with foods or herbal medicines. Comfrey, a well-known medicinal herb characterized by U.S. FDA researchers as having been "one of the most popular herb teas in the world," contains PAs that are capable of causing liver damage
Aristolochic acids are a family of carcinogenic, mutagenic and nephrotoxic compounds commonly found in the Aristolochiaceae family, including Aristolochia and Asarum, which are commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine Aristolochic acid I is the most abundant of the aristolochic acids and is found in almost all Aristolochia species Aristolochic acids are often accompanied by aristolactam
Cemaran Saat kultivasi ; kimia, biologi Proses produksi, transportasi, penyimpanan
Herbal-herbal Herbal-modern Herbal-makanan
Pembuatan makalah ilmiah Tema tentang efikasi dan keamanan obat herbal Tugas terlampir
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