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Diterbitkan olehMiftah Rosalina Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
Violation of children’s By: Brenda Bimantoro
My article Tanpa akta kelahiran hak asasi anak rentan dilanggar. Foto: Sgp Anak-anak jalanan yang tidak tercatat kelahirannya rentan terhadap pelanggaran HAM. Beberapa hak asasi anak-anak itu terancam tak bisa terpenuhi, seperti hak atas kesehatan hingga akses layanan pendidikan. Karena itu pengakuan identitas kewarganegaraan lewat pencatatan kelahiran menjadi penting. “Mereka (anak-anak yang tak tercatat kelahirannya, red) ada, tapi secara legal dianggap tidak ada,” tutur Country Director Plan Indonesia, Peter Le Raus mengungkapkan keprihatinannya atas nasib anak jalanan di Indonesia, Rabu (4/7) di Jakarta. Plan Indonesia adalah organisasi kemanusiaan yang berkonsentrasi pada isu kesejahteraan anak. Menurut Kasubdit Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Anak Terlantar Kementerian Sosial (Kemensos), Rahmad Kusnadi, jumlah anak terlantar di Indonesia mencapai 4,5 juta orang. Di antaranya 230 ribu orang dikategorikan sebagai anak jalanan. Untuk wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya, jumlah anak jalanan mencapai 12 ribu orang. Sebagai bagian dari perlindungan terhadap anak jalanan, Kemensos di tahun 2011 menandatangani nota kesepakatan dengan tujuh kementerian lain untuk percepatan pencatatan akta kelahiran. Untuk mewujudkan program itu Rahmad menyebut Kemensos telah melakukan beberapa program diantaranya kesejahteraan sosial anak dan pemberdayaan keluarga. Hasilnya, 8000 anak jalanan di DKI Jakarta mendapatkan program kesejahteraan anak jalanan.
Children’s right issue Some kids doesn’t have any birth certificate, because their parents left them. The kids were alone cause they parent left them away.
Analyze the children right issue The children who don’t have any birth certificate cannot go to school because every child should have birth certificate to go to school. The children need birth certificate so, they can have an education, health care and other.
CRC articles related to the issue The ideal application (our opinion) Responsibilities (our opinion) Article 3 All organizations concerned with children should work towards what is best each child Government should support of any organization for dealing with children. Donate some money to struggling schools so children around the school can still go to the school. Article 7 All children have the rights to a legally register name, and nationality. Also the right to know and, as far as possible, to cared for by their parents Government need to find the children’s parents and ask them to be responsible and take care of their children. Government can find a foster home for the children. Article 8 Governments should respects children’s right to a name, a nationality and family ties Government should give birth certificates to the children who don’t have any birth certificate, Children must have family so the children get care by their parent. Article 9 Children should not be separated from their parents unless it is for their own good. For examples, if a parent is mistreating of neglecting a child. Children whose parent have separated have the right to stay in contact with both parents, unless this might hurt the child Government have to make sure that the children stay with their parent together, as long for the children good they have to be separated way. Children must not separated with their parent because if not they doesn’t be care. Article 18 Both parent share responsibility for bringing up their children, and should always consider what is best for each child. Government should help parents by providing services to support them, especially if both parent work Government should make sure that every parents must have proper jobs and have salary. Parents should make sure there is someone take care of the children.
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