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1 Pertemuan 1 Introduction Matakuliah: sistem Operasi Tahun: 2010.

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1 1 Pertemuan 1 Introduction Matakuliah: sistem Operasi Tahun: 2010

2 Rules Attending must be at lest 4 x before mid semester to get mid test and 4x after final semester to get final test Score Teori atau Prak : Mid Test 30 % Final Test40 % Task 30 % : Quis 60 % and Task 40 % 2

3 Rules (Cont..) Task : –Buat Paper tentang sistem operasi apa saja dengan menjelaskan tentang cara kerja, kegunaan, keunggulan, kelemahan dll! –Paper minimal 15 halaman. –Font : Times new roman size 12 –Dikumpulkan sebelum Final Test. –Dikerjakan Kelompok max 5 orang –Setiap kelompok beda sistem operasi –Dipresentasikan pada pertemuan 6. 3

4 4 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : menyebutkan fungsi dan struktur sistem operasi (C1)

5 5 Outline Materi Sistem komputer Fungsi Sistem Operasi Sejarah sistem Operasi –First generation –Second generation –Third generation –Fourth generation

6 6 FUNDAMENTALS OF OPERATING SYSTEMS  Why Operating Systems? DEFINITION AND COMPONENTS  Modern computer system is very complex  OS manages all devices and provide user programs with simpler interface to the hardware

7 7  Main components of computer system  Hardware  Software  Application programs

8 8 1.It is an extended machine  Hides the messy details which must be performed  Presents user with a virtual machine, easier to use 2.It is a resource manager  Each program gets time with the resource  Each program gets space on the resource  WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM  Program that acts as an intermediary between a user and the computer hardware

9 9  Process Management  Memory Management  I/O Management  File Management  System components: Others: Protection System, Networking, Command Interpreter

10 10 HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS First Generation (1945-1955): Vacuum Tubes and Plugboards  No programming language nor OS  Machine language  The use of plugboards, punched cards Second Generation (1955-1965): Transistor and Batch System  Introduction of transistor  Fortran, Assembler  Batch system

11 11  Operating System usually used: FMS (Fortran Monitor System) IBSYS (OS for IBM 7094)  Offline system: Second Generation (cont’d)

12 12  Example of FMS job structure Second Generation (cont’d)

13 13 Third Generation (1965-1980): ICs and Multiprogramming  IBM 360 for scientific calculation (i.e numerical) and commercial (i.e character-oriented)  IC (Integrated Circuit)  Introduction of multiprogramming

14 14  Introduction of SPOOLING (Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line)  Introduction of time-sharing  Development of “computer utility”  machine that supports hundreds of timesharing users Eg: MULTICS (Multiplex Information and Computing Service)   Development of UNIX (Uniplexed Information and Computing Service) Third Generation (cont’d)

15 15 Fourth Generation (1980-now): LSI and PC  LSI (Large Scale Integration) circuit and chips consisting of thousands of transistor  birth of PC (Personal Computer)  User-friendly software  Dominant Operating System: MS-DOS, Win ME, Win NT Unix, X Window  Network Operating System  Distributed Operating System

16 16 OS manages all devices and provide user programs with simpler interface to the hardware

17 17 Quis 1.Sebutkan alasan dan tujuan sistem operasi dibuat ! 2.Jelaskan dan gambarkan komponen sistem komputer ! 3.Jelaskan perbedaan off-line processing dengan spooling!

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