Budaya Organisasi.

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1 Budaya Organisasi

2 Budaya Organisasi: Definisi
Sebuah sistem makna yg dianut bersama oleh anggota organisasi(system of shared meaning), yg membedakan organisasi dgn organisasi lainnya. Seven characteristics exist on a continuum (high to low) and capture the essence of an organization’s culture. 1. Strong Risk-Taking Personalities. Microsoft wants to hire people who have taken chances and failed. CEO Bill Gates notes: “The way people deal with things that go wrong is an indicator of how they deal with change.” 2. Strong Attention-to-Detail Personalities. Firms that have made quality their theme have attention-to-detail personalities. Motorola’s “Six Sigma” program has fostered a dramatic improvement in quality. 3. Strong Outcome-Orientation Personalities. Nordstrom has succeed by focusing on outcomes such as customer service. 4. Strong People-Orientation Personalities. Hewlett-Packard recognizes and respects the personal worth of employees and allows them to share in the success of the company. 5. Strong Team-Orientation Personalities. Many smaller organizations and divisions of larger corporations are defining their cultures around teams. All employees at Colgate- Palmolive’s Cambridge, Ohio, liquid detergent plant are members of self-managed or cross-functional teams. 6. Strong Aggressiveness Personalities. Microsoft is aggressive, and fights competitors, protects copyrights, and uses the court system against rivals. Such tactics have created a long list of adversaries. 7. Strong Nonstability Personalities. Some organizations define culture by emphasizing growth. In the Samsung Human Resources Center, lecture halls are draped with banners proclaiming the company’s commitment to become “The Leader for the 21st Century the World Will Notice.”

3 Karakteristik Utama Budaya Organisasi Inovasi dan pengambilan risiko
Perhatian thd rincian Orientasi hasil (outcome) Orientasi thd manusia Orientasi tim Aggressiveness Stabilitas Seven characteristics exist on a continuum (high to low) and capture the essence of an organization’s culture. 1. Strong Risk-Taking Personalities. Microsoft wants to hire people who have taken chances and failed. CEO Bill Gates notes: “The way people deal with things that go wrong is an indicator of how they deal with change.” 2. Strong Attention-to-Detail Personalities. Firms that have made quality their theme have attention-to-detail personalities. Motorola’s “Six Sigma” program has fostered a dramatic improvement in quality. 3. Strong Outcome-Orientation Personalities. Nordstrom has succeed by focusing on outcomes such as customer service. 4. Strong People-Orientation Personalities. Hewlett-Packard recognizes and respects the personal worth of employees and allows them to share in the success of the company. 5. Strong Team-Orientation Personalities. Many smaller organizations and divisions of larger corporations are defining their cultures around teams. All employees at Colgate- Palmolive’s Cambridge, Ohio, liquid detergent plant are members of self-managed or cross-functional teams. 6. Strong Aggressiveness Personalities. Microsoft is aggressive, and fights competitors, protects copyrights, and uses the court system against rivals. Such tactics have created a long list of adversaries. 7. Strong Nonstability Personalities. Some organizations define culture by emphasizing growth. In the Samsung Human Resources Center, lecture halls are draped with banners proclaiming the company’s commitment to become “The Leader for the 21st Century the World Will Notice.”

4 Apakah Organisasi Memiliki Budaya yang Seragam?
Dominan Sub-budaya Nilai-nilai Inti Organizational culture is a system of meaning that members share and that distinguishes the organization from others. Even individuals with different backgrounds or at different levels in the organization will usually describe organizational culture in similar terms. However, subcultures exist in any organization. A dominant culture expresses the core values that are shared by a majority of the organization’s members. Developing along departmental or geographical lines to reflect common problems, situations, or experiences faced by members, subcultures include core values of the dominant culture plus additional values unique to members of the department. It has become increasingly popular to differentiate between strong and weak cultures. In a strong culture, the organization’s core values are both intensely held and widely shared. A strong culture, therefore, will have a great influence on the behavior of employees, and evidence indicates that strong cultures are associated with high organizational performance.

5 Strong Versus Weak Cultures
Ciri-ciri Budaya Kuat: Nilai-nilai inti dianut secara luas dan intens. Membangun kekompakan, loyaliltas, dan komitmen organisasi. Budaya sangat mempengaruhi perilaku. Turnover pekerja lebih rendah.

6 Fungsi Budaya Organisasi
Boundary-defining role (menjadi pembeda dgn organisasi lain); Memberikan sense of identity; Memfasilitasi munculnya komitmen; Meningkatkan stabilitas sistem sosial; Menjadi mekanisme kontrol dan sense-making yg memandu dan membentuk sikap & perilaku karyawan.

7 Budaya Sebagai Liability
Penghambat perubahan Penghambat keragaman Penghambat upaya merger dan akuisisi

8 Teknik Untuk Mengelola
Budaya Organisasi Proses/Cara Seleksi Perilaku Manajamen Puncak Metoda Sosialisasi Management can use three forces to sustain an appropriate culture. The goal of the selection process is to identify and hire individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to succeed on-the-job. But, the decision maker’s opinion of the candidate’s “fit” with the organization will also influence the hiring decision. The selection process also provides the candidate with information about the company. Therefore, the selection process sustains the organization’s culture by selecting out individuals who may undermine its core values. The behavior of top management and what they say will establish norms that filter down through the organization. The adaptation process that helps new employees adapt to an organization’s culture is called socialization. While the most critical socialization stage is when a new employee enters the organization, the process continues throughout his or her career. Socialization occurs in three stages: prearrival, encounter, and metamorphosis. The prearrival stage encompasses all the learning that occurs before a new member joins the organization. In the encounter stage, the employee sees what the organization is really like and confronts the possibility that expectations and reality may diverge. In the metamorphosis stage, the employee masters the skills required for the job, successfully performs his or her new roles, and adjusts to the norms and values of the work group.

9 Bagaimana Budaya Organisasi Terbentuk
Manajemen Puncak Filosofi Pendiri Organisasi Budaya Organisasi Kriteria Seleksi This slide summarizes how an organization’s culture is established and sustained. The original culture is derived from the founder’s philosophy. This strongly influences the criteria used in hiring. The actions of current top management set the general climate of what is and is not acceptable behavior. How employees are to be socialized will depend on the degree of success achieved in matching the values of new employees to those of the organization in the selection process and on the socialization methods that are preferred by top management. Sosialisasi

10 Bagaimana Karyawan Mempelajari Budaya Organisasi Ritual Bahasa
Kisah-kisah Ritual Bagaimana Karyawan Mempelajari Budaya Organisasi Circulating through most organizations, stories typically contain the following: a narrative of events about the organization’s founders, rule breaking, rags-to-riches successes, reductions in the work force, relocation of employees, reactions to past mistakes, and organizational coping. These stories anchor the present to the past while explaining and legitimizing current practices. Repetitive sequences of activities, rituals express and reinforce the key values of the organization, what goals are most important, and which people are either important or expendable. The following are examples of material symbols: an organization’s facilities, dress attire, types of executive vehicles, the size of offices, the elegance of furnishings, executive perks, employee lounges, on-site dining facilities, and reserved parking. Organizational units use language as a way to identify members of a culture or a subculture. Organizations, over time, develop jargon, unique terms to describe equipment, offices, key personnel, suppliers, customers, or products related to their business. By learning this language, members attest to their acceptance of the culture and, in so doing, help to preserve it. Bahasa Simbol2 Material

11 Menciptakan Budaya Organisasi Yang Etis
Pemimpin harus jadi teladan Komunikasikan ekspektasi etis Berikan pelatihan etika Beri imbalan atas perilaku etis Hukumlah perilaku tidak etis Sediakan mekanisme proteksi A combination of the following can help management to promote ethical behavior in the workplace. 1. Be a visible role model. Employees will use top management’s behavior as a benchmark for what is appropriate. When senior management takes the “high road,” it provides a positive message for all employees. 2. Communicate ethical expectations. A clear organizational code of ethics can minimize ethical ambiguities. It should state the primary values of the organization and the ethical standards to which all must adhere. 3. Provide training in ethics. Seminars and workshops reinforce the ethical standards of the organization, clarify appropriate behaviors, and address ethical dilemmas. 4. Visibly reward ethical acts and punish unethical ones. People who act ethically should be rewarded openly. And those who commit unethical acts should be punished openly. 5. Provide protective mechanisms. Formal mechanisms allow employees to discuss ethical dilemmas and report unethical behavior without fear of reprisal.

12 Menciptakan Budaya Yang “Customer-responsive”
Seleksi karyawan yg tepat; Pelatihan dan sosialiasi; Rancangan struktur yg tepat; Pemberdayaan karyawan; Kepemimpinan dgn visi yg berfokus pd pelanggan.

13 Spiritualitas dan Budaya Organisasi
Workplace spirituality: the recognition that people have inner life that nourishes and is nourished by meaningful work that takes place in the context of community.

14 Karakteristik Organisasi Spiritual
Strong sense of purpose Focus on individual development Trust and openness Employee empowerment Toleration of employee expression

15 Ringkasan dan Implikasi
Persepsi karyawan thd budaya organisasi mempengaruhi kinerja dan kepuasan kerja. Manajemen perlu membuat proses seleksi yg tepat utk mendapatkan karyawan dgn nilai-nilai yg sejalan dgn budaya organisasi. Manajemen perlu melakukan sosialisasi budaya organisasi yg memadai kpd seluruh karyawan.

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