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1940 - 1960 Era Produksi Membeli bahan baku sebanyak- banyaknya
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Japanesse Philosophy KURA-KURA VS KELINCI
“The slower but consistent tortoise causes less waste and is much more desirable than the speedy hare that races ahead and then stops occasionally to doze” Ohno
KONSEP JIT sistem produksi yang dirancang untuk mendapatkan kualitas, menekan biaya, dan mencapai waktu penyerahan seefisien mungkin dengan menghapus seluruh jenis pemborosan yang terdapat dalam proses produksi sehingga perusahaan mampu menyerahkan produknya (baik barang maupun jasa) sesuai kehendak konsumen tepat waktu
IDE DASAR perusahaan memproduksi hanya sebanyak jumlah yang dibutuhkan/diminta konsumen dan pada saat dibutuhkan sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya pemeliharaan maupun menekan kemungkinan kerusakan atau kerugian akibat menimbun barang
ELEMEN PENTING JIT Memperbaiki layout produksi Mengurangi waktu setup
Zero defect Manajemen yang efisien dan efektif
1. Memperbaiki layout produksi
Memperbaiki rancangan alur produksi (tahapan fisik suatu produk dalam proses manufaktur mulai dari bahan mentah sampai menjadi barang jadi).
2. Mengurangi waktu setup
Setup berisi aktivitas menyiapkan bahan, mengubah setting mesin, mempersiapkan peralatan, dan melakukan pengujian.
3. Zero Defect Memperkecil kesalahan dengan cara menetapkan standart defect product sebuah perusahaan. Misalnya 1:
4. Manajemen yang efisien dan efektif
Manajemen Suplier Manajemen Produksi Manajemen Persediaan Manajemen SDM
MANAJEMEN PRODUKSI Pull System vs. Push System
Pull = membuat untuk pesanan (JIT) Push = membuat untuk persediaan (tradisional) Menghilangkan gangguan dalam proses The principle of Production Management is important to sustain quality in the process. JIT philosophy uses a Pull System as apposed to a Push System. Pull = Made to order, and Push = Made for inventory. This allows for demand to set the tone for production. It is also important for the system to be flexible. This means that production levels must have the ability to change from day to day, working with the aspect of made to order. From a production management standpoint designing for testability is essential in the process, to aid in the quest for ZERO DEFECTS. One tool used to aid in this quest is the Poka-Yoke device, also known as a mistake proofing device. This device will prevent mistakes from happening, or display obvious problems at a glance. It is also important to test throughout the entire process to ensure Zero defects.
MANAJEMEN SUPLIER Mengadakan hubungan jangka panjang dengan beberapa suplier. Mampu melakukan pengiriman dengan 100% tidak cacat : Kapan dibutuhkan Dimana dibutuhkan Kuantitasnya pasti Menghilangkan pemeriksaan barang Mengkomunikasikan masalah kepada suplier adalah sikap (kebiasaan) yang positip The main focus of supplier management is to establish long term relationships with few firms. By doing this, you can grow with your supplier. Jit considers inventory to be wasteful, so therefore it is eliminated. When inventory is eliminated, parts need to be delivered exactally when they are needed, where they are needed, in the exact quantity, and in addition need to be 100% DEFECT FREE. This is why it is important to work together as a team with your supplier
MANAJEMEN PERSEDIAAN Mengurangi stok (persediaan barang dagangan) sampai dengan tidak ada stok (nol) Mengurangi barang dalam proses A main emphasis in JIT manufacturing is the goal of Zero Inventory, to achieve this goal you must Eliminate safety stock. A reduction in WIP will reduce the number of defects in the event of a problem. Jit is not an inventory control system, it is a philosophy for continuous improvement of quailty that puts emphasis on prevention rather than correction. Reduction of Inventory will also open up more space in your factory. . Next is an analogy of how reducing inventory will aid in overall performance.
Membuat karyawan memiliki 2 kemampuan, misalnya dalam perusahaan rokok seorang karyawan memiliki kemampuan melinting rokok dan packaging akhir Keterlibatan perusahaan sepenuhnya Motivasi untuk perbaikan secara terus menerus Pemecahan masalah Interaksi karyawan yang tinggi Membangun kebanggaan pada hasil dari suatu pekerjaan Memeriksa sendiri pekerjaannya Diversifikasi karyawan Kebiasaan bolos Menghilangkan kejenuhan dalam proses To be successful in a Jit manufacturing, or quality based process the need for Human resource management is essential. You need company wide involvement across all departments. Motivation is needed from a managerial standpoint to maintain continuous improvement. Problem solving skills are needed to maintain speed of the line in the event of of a halt. High employee interaction is essential for employees to work together to change the process for the better. Build Pride In Workmanship to increase the level of quality.
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