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BARCELONA TOULON NICEA FLORENCE ROME NAPLES Bulan Terakhir Kualifikasi Gold Cruise Oriflame 2014!!!

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3 Bulan Terakhir Kualifikasi Gold Cruise Oriflame 2014!!!

4 Requirements Qualification Period C4 2013 – C3 2014 First Timer - A Consultant qualifies upon reaching a minimum of 18 accumulated 21%-groups in a 12 catalogue. -Title is not necessary to qualify for a conference. Leader’s Club (LC) Requirement for Gold Conferences 6 out of 12 months to be achieved during the qualification period

5 Example GET 1 TICKET!!! C4C5C6C7C8C9C10C11C12C1C2C3Total Legs XXX XXX X XXX18 LCx xx x xx 6

6 Requirements Qualification Period C4 2013 – C3 2014 Re-qualification In order to re-qualify for a Gold conference the Consultant must compare results with either: a.Last Gold Conference attended, Or b.Last qualification period. The more favorable criteria are to be used as the basis for calculating the groups required for subsequent qualification. Leader’s Club (LC) Requirement for Gold Conferences 6 out of 12 months to be achieved during the qualification period

7 Requirements Qualification Period C4 2013 – C3 2014

8 Kesempatan Terakhir di Bulan Maret 2014 Jangan sampai terlewat yaaa Kembali buka AR Anda dan pastikan semua persyaratan Gold Cruise 2014 sudah terpenuhi Ingatkan semua jaringan Anda yang mengejar Gold Cruise 2014!!! HAVE FUN Note : Untuk LONDON, syarat dan kriterianya sama persis dengan di atas yaaa


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