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Manajemen Proyek: Overview

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1 Manajemen Proyek: Overview
Dr. Sukardi Departemen Teknologi Industri Pertanian Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian IPB

2 Metodologi Manajemen Proyek
Tahap Definisi: Konsepsi. Kembangkan problem statement, visi, dan misi. Tahap Strategi Perencanaan: Kembangkan alternatif strategi proyek. Untuk setiap alternatif: Cek P, C, T, S Lakukan analisis SWOT

3 Metodologi Manajemen Proyek
Tahap Implementasi Rencana: Kembangkan rencana implementasi. Lakukan persetujuan rencana. Tahap Eksekusi dan Kendali: Laksanakan rencana. Cek progres dan akseptabilitas proyek. Tahap Terminasi Lakukan review proyek. Lakukan terminasi.

4 Tahap Implementasi Rencana
Kembangkan Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): What tasks must be done? Who will do each one? How long will each task take? What materials/supplies are required? How much will each task cost? Kembangkan Network Diagram: What can be done first? What can be done next? What can be done in parallel? Repeat until finished.

5 Tahap Implementasi Rencana
Lakukan perhitungan jalur kritis: Forward pass to find early times. Backward pass for late times. Is total duration acceptable? Revise and repeat if not. Alokasi sumberdaya untuk CPM Level resources. Total duration still acceptable?

6 Tahap Implementasi Rencana
Konversi Network ke Bar Chart. Kembangkan kurva penggunaan dan perolehan nilai proyek If you are a project manager, you are proactive … not reactive. In any system of humans or machines, the element in the system that has the greatest variability in its behavior will control the system.

7 TAHAP DEFINISI PROYEK Eighty percent of all projects suffer serious problems, with nearly a third of them being bad enough to be canceled. What causes the project to fail?

8 The Problem, Mission, and Vision
How to avoid project from failing? Pendekatan terbaik adalah dengan membuat setiap anggota team untuk secara aktif terlibat dalam proses pendefinisian proyek. Pemahaman problem, kembangkan misi yang menyatakan kemana team akan menuju, dan visi yang menyatakan hasil akhir yang akan dicapai.

9 The Problem, What is it? Setiap proyek hendaknya memberikan pemecahan terhadap persoalan  hindari keadaan kita seolah-olah memahami persoalan tetapi sebenarnya tidak: symptom and the real problem! The problem is a gap between where you are and where you want to be that is confronted with obstacles that make the closing gap difficult.

10 Types of Problems Open-Ended Problem Closed-Ended Problem
Problem dengan solusi lebih dari satu; berorientasi ke future Contoh …. Pendekatan: synthesis Closed-Ended Problem Problem yang hanya memiliki satu solusi; berorientasi ke past Pendekatan: analytical.

11 Menentukan Closed-Ended Problems
Gunakan metodologi ilmiah: Ask questions Develop a plan of inquiry Formulate hypotheses Gather data to test those hypotheses Draw conclusions from hypotheses testing Test the conclusions.

12 Menentukan Open-Ended Problems
Redefinitional procedures: help develop a good definition for an open-ended problem The goal orientation technique: to find the well-defined need and obstacles to progress The successive abstractions technique: to define the problem from lower level to highest level

13 Menentukan Open-Ended Problems
Analogy and metaphor procedures: to find creative solutions to problems Wishful thinking: to define problem from conventional to realistic new insights  artificially made Nonlogical stimuli: to define problem from one object to another Reversal: to define the problem by making the weakness into strength.

14 The Mission, What is it? Adalah pernyataan, statement, untuk memberitahu setiap anggota team kemana akan mengarah The mission: the goal or objective that the team must achieve.

15 The Vision, what is it? Adalah pernyataan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana hasil akhir dari sebuah proyek Jika hasil akhir sebuah proyek diketahui, kapan waktu proyek berakhir dapat diketahui The vision: what the final result will look like.

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