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Presentasi berjudul: "PSIKOLOGI KELUARGA Pertemuan 3"— Transcript presentasi:


2 Family Developmental Framework
Bagaimana suami-istri dan anggota keluarga lainnya melakukan berbagi peran yang berbeda dan tugas perkembangan dalam pernikahan dan keluarga sebagaimana perkembangan tugas perkembangan sepanjang rentang kehidupan.

3 MARRIAGE Single young adult
Accepting emotional & financial responsibility for self Development intimate peer relationship, establishment of self in relation to work & financial independence THE NEW COUPLE Commitment to new system Formation to marital system ; realignment of relationship with extended families & friends to include spouse

4 MARRIAGE Becoming parents & families with children
Accepting new members into the system Adjusting marital system to make space for child ; joining in child rearing, financial & household task ; realignment of relationships with extended family include parenting & grandparenting roles THE FAMILY WITH ADOLESCENTS Increasing flexibility of family boundaries to include children’s independence and grandparents frailties Shifting of parent-child relationship to permit adolescent to move in and out of system ; refocus on midlife marital & career issues

5 Family changes The changes in family types which began during the past two centuries in Western countries as a result of industrialization,have now affected almost all nations throughout the world. The changes in Majority World countries have taken place during the past few decades.

6 Family changes Changes have taken place, not only in family types, but also in the cultural and social institutions of the society. Increased industrialization and the concomitant urbanization as a result of abandonment of agriculture as a means of subsistence have resulted in smaller families, the nuclear family, living in urban areas

7 Issues in the family changes
Apakah anak akan tetap dapat bertahan dalam struktur yang namanya keluarga? Bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap kondisi psikologis anak dan dewasa? Apakah setelah menikah dan memiliki anak, akan tetap tinggal dalam keluarganya atau mandiri? Bagaimana pengaruh extended family terhadap nuclear family?

8 Issues in the family changes
A number of changes in family types have occurred during the past 40 years, primarily in Europe, Canada, and the United States. The number of nuclear family households has increased. The greatest increase in families is the single-parent family, primarily unmarried mothers and divorced parents, primarily women. There appears to be a rupture between marriage and cohabitation. Young people increasingly cohabit without marriage, and may choose to marry only if they have children.

9 Issues in the family changes
The divorce rate has increased. The age of marriage has increased and the percentage of married couples has decreased. These trends are related partly to the entry of women into the workforce and to their continuing their education for longer periods. The fertility rate has dropped to a point of nonreplacement. On the other hand, the mortality rate has decreased, resulting in longer lifespan of grandparents.

10 Issues in the family changes
The Journal of Marriage and the Family (2000) is devoted to examining many of these issues during the previous decade. The decrease of the extended family system, the decreasing contact of divorced fathers with their children, the decrease in the birth rate, all provide strong support to the arguments for the breakdown of the family. The increase in nuclear families, the increase in unmarried one-parent families, the increased divorce rate, the increase in remarriage and families with step-parents and stepbrothers and stepsisters, The gradual replacement of marriage by consensual union, legalization of same-sex marriage

11 Issues in the family changes
Urbanisasi Pertanian, berburu dan pekerjaan tradisional mulai ditinggalkan Kesempatann bekerja di kota Membawa keluarga pindah ke kota Menitipkan anak di desa Kesempatan pendidikan Membawa serta keluarga Keluarga membangun small business Pengaruh urbanisasi & pertumbuhan ekonomi

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