Ni Komang Ayu Widaputri 3208 VI F

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1 Ni Komang Ayu Widaputri 3208 VI F
Future Tense Ni Komang Ayu Widaputri 3208 VI F


3 STANDARD COMPETENCY 1. Bercakap menggunakan kata yang berhubungan dengan transportation 2. Menjawab pertanyaan 5W+H dan how long and how far 3. Menggunakan will dan shalldalam konteks kalimat yang akan berlangsung 4. Membaca traffic sign dan menggunakan dalam dialog

4 INDICATORS 1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi simple future tense 2. Mengidentifikasi subject yang digunakan dalam simple future tense 3. Mengidentifikasi adjective of time yang digunakan dalam simple future tense 4. Mengidentifikasi pola kalimat simple future tense


6 We use the simple future tense to express something that happen in the future.
We use the simple future tense for instant decisions. We use the simple future tense, when we predict a future situation.

7 The subject of Present Future Tense : I you we they she he it

8 Present Future Tense is followed by adverb of time such as
tomorrow : besok next month : bulan depan next year : tahun depan next time : lain waktu Tonight : nanti malam this afternoon : nanti siang soon : segera next holiday : liburan depan

9 The forms of the simple future tense:
Affirmative : S + will / shall + V1 + O / Comp Negative : S + will / shall + not + V1 + O /Comp Introgative : will / shall + S + V1 + O / Comp ?

10 EXAMPLE Affirmative : I will go to Bali next month.
Negative : Introgative : I will go to Bali next month. She will come tomorrow. I will not go to Bali next month. She will not come tomorrow. Will you go to Bali next month?. Will she come tomorrow?.

11 EXERCISE 1 2 3 4 5

12 EXERCISE They (go) .......... to Japan next week. go went will go
1 2 go are going A C 3 will go went 4 B D 5

13 EXERCISE She will come to your house ........... tomorrow yesterday
1 2 yesterday tomorrow A C 3 last week a week ago 4 B D 5

14 EXERCISE I (buy) .......... a book tonight. buy will buy bougth buys 1
2 will buy buy A C 3 buys bougth 4 B D 5

15 EXERCISE He-you-next-visit-holiday-will.
1 Will he visit you next holiday. 2 A He will next visit you holiday. 3 B He will visit you holiday next. 4 C He will visit you next holiday. 5 D

16 EXERCISE do-homework-Mira-?-will-her-tonight. 1 2
Will she do her homework tonight?. 2 A Will her do she homework tonight?. 3 B She will do her homework tonight?. 4 C Her will do she homework tonight?. 5 D

17 correct

18 incorrect

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