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Positive Parenting Merawat Jiwa Anak Dr Jalaluddin Rachmat
Bi-directional Effects Refers to the reciprocal effects of the child on the parent and the parent on the child. Must remember that every child is different – temperament, stress tolerance, capacity to learn, interests
Parenting Styles (Baumrind) 1. Otoriter 2. Permisif 3. Menolak 4. Otoritatif
high control low control high lovelow love Authoritative Authoritarian Permissive Rejecting
Otoriter Menetapkan aturan dan ekspektasi yang ketat dan melaksanakannya secara ketat pula Menuntut dan mengharapkan ketaatan. Kontrol ortu sangat penting.
Otoriter Low love High rules Anak-anak –Perasa (temperamental), tak bahagia, seringkali tak bersahabat –rentan stres
Permisif Mendahulukan kesukaan anak- anak (AAS – asal anak senang) Jarak memaksa anak untuk mematuhi peraturan Kebebasan berpendapat dan otonomi dihargai
Permisif High love Low rules Anak-anak –impulsif-aggresif –Pember (ontak –Berusaha menguasai (domineering) and berprestasi rendah (low achievers)
Menolak Tidak memperhatikan kebutuhan anak Jarang punya ekspektasi bagaimana seharusnya anak berperilaku
Menolak Low love Low rules Anak-anak –Punya masalah psikologis –Lambat dewasa
Otoritatif Gaya demokratis Menetapkan aturan yang jelas dan membicarakan dengan anak-anak. Kontrol dilakukan dalam hubungannya dengan dukungan (support). Memperhatikan perasaan dan kemampuan anak. Mengakui perspektif anak tetapi menjalankan standar ortu. Mendorong perkembangan otonomi anak sampai batas-batas yang wajar. Bersandar terutama sekali pada peneguhan positif
Otoritatif High love High rules Anak-anak –Sangat percaya diri and ceria –Sanggup mengatasi stres –achievement oriented (berorientasi pada prestasi)
Tak Peduli (Cuek) Tidak peduli pada apa pun Yang dilakukan anak dan membiarkan mereka berbuat apa pun selama tidak mengganggu kegiatan ortu
Main things a child needs love rules/boundaries/someone to tell them no clear expectations consistence in discipline
Influencing children’s behavior: 1. Respect Mutual respect between children and parents must be fostered for growth and change to occur. Balance of kindness and firmness. Modeling is important.
2. Consistency & Clarity Children become confused without consistency. A united front in the parental system Must follow through with consequences (promises and threats) Clarity – a child needs to know the rules and the consequences for breaking them
3. Logical Consequences Try to devise consequences that are appropriate to the child’s misbehavior Logical consequences vs. punishment 3 “R’s” 1. Related to the problem behavior 2. Respectful – no humiliation 3. Reasonable – designed to teach, not to induce suffering.
4. No Physical Punishment Negative long-term effects (anger, resentment, fear) Behavior modification works effectively without the risk of long term consequences.
5. Behavior Modification Reinforcement/Punishment Reinforcer – increase the likelihood that the behavior will occur again. positive – something implemented negative – something aversive removed Punishment – decrease the likelihood that the behavior will occur again. positive – something aversive implemented negative – something desirous removed
Timeouts - one minute for each year of child. - may be a positive or negative punishment.
Provide Praise Children depend on their parents for the development of their self- concept. Catch the child doing good and reinforce it.
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