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Lanjutan. Tingkatan Hukum dalam al- Quran Classification of Law in the Quran.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Lanjutan. Tingkatan Hukum dalam al- Quran Classification of Law in the Quran."— Transcript presentasi:

1 lanjutan

2 Tingkatan Hukum dalam al- Quran Classification of Law in the Quran

3 Nilai-nilai Dasar/basic value/ القيم الأساسية (contoh nilai “Kemaslahatan”) Asas-asas umum/general principle/ الأصول الكلية (contoh Asas “Semua kemudaratan dihilangkan”) Peraturan konkret/concrete law/ الأحكام الفرعية (contoh larangan minum khamar) Made by Syamsul Anwar, Hukum Perjanjian Islam.

4 CATEGORIES OF QURAN’S ETHICO LEGAL TEACHING Kategori Ayat Quran di Bidang Hukum Classified by: Abdullah Saed, Interpreting the Quran.

5  Muslim must follow  Universally applicable  Most important and markers of being muslim  Categories:  System of belief ( أركان الإيمان )  Devotional practices (ibadah mahdlah)  Halal and haram which are clearly stated in the Quran, eg. Eating carrion, blood, pork, riba, marrying relatives, etc. OBLIGATORY

6  Basic human values  key objectives of Islam ( مقاصد الشريعة /tujuan-tujuan pokok agama Islam)  Protection of  live,  intellect,  property,  honour,  descendant  and religion FUNDAMENTAL

7  Legislative support for fundamental teaching, for instance:  Protection of property. Its protectional teaching: prohibition of theft.  Protection of intellect. Its protectional teaching: prohibition of wine.  Protection of descendant: prohibition of adultery  etc. PROTECTIONAL

8  Specific measures to implement the protectional teaching  Cutting hand of thieves as a punishment for theft  Payment of blood money for murder  100 lashes for unmarried people who commit zina  Is not universally applicable because it is not the fundamental objective of the Quran IMPLEMENTATIONAL

9  Majority of ethico-legal teaching in the quran  Refer to certain problems that were specific to circumstances at the time of revelation  Slavery  War with non muslim  Do these teachings transcend cultural specificity and apply to all Muslims regardless of time, place and circumstances? INSTRUCTIONAL

10 1.Carilah satu hadis Nabi yang mengandung satu anjuran/perintah/larangan. 2.Jelaskan hikmah di balik pernyataan Nabi tersebut. Contoh : Larangan Nabi mengkonsumsi daging babi. Hikmahnya: menghindari penyakit cacing pita yang terkandung dalam daging babi, dst. 3. Tugas disusun ke dalam sebuah slide yang menarik maksimal 5 halaman. 4. Pertemuan selanjutnya slide dipresentasikan oleh masing-masing kelompok. Assignment for the next meeting

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