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Prepared by : ari. Strategy Melalui sebuah strategi komunikasi yang cerdas dan efektif Menetapkan obyektif dari tujuan sosialisasi Produk secara terukur.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Prepared by : ari. Strategy Melalui sebuah strategi komunikasi yang cerdas dan efektif Menetapkan obyektif dari tujuan sosialisasi Produk secara terukur."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Prepared by : ari


3 Strategy Melalui sebuah strategi komunikasi yang cerdas dan efektif Menetapkan obyektif dari tujuan sosialisasi Produk secara terukur Menggunakan pilhan media dan sarana komunikasi yang tepat dan sesuai dengan segmentasi berkait bidang Produk

4 Target Market Komunikasi Demografi: All, Age: 17+ SSE: ABCDE Psikografi: Rural and Urban People Segmen Profesi Pengusaha Pemilik lahan Pelajar/Mahasiswa Dan lain-lain

5 Communication Strategy Sebuah Usulan

6 Strategy Menentukan tema kampanye terpadu yang menarik dan penting untuk seluruh target market, misal: “Dengan cara kecil kami sendiri, kami akan membuat dunia menjadi tempat yang lebih baik” Menggunakan jejaring pebisnis untuk mengkomunikasikan secara efektif kepada sebanyak mungkin target pemilih Menggunakan sebanyak mungkin media pilihan (baik internal maupun eksternal untuk masing masing segmen.

7 vertising Marketing PR BTL Merchandise Sponsorship Event Out door New Media Wirausaha mandiri Tactics: 360° Synergy

8 Communications Channels Television Radio Newspapers Video games Events Magazines Cinema Billboards Feature Film CD Rom Buses Self Vision Trer, Dealer Incentives Multimediacross-promotion Internet On-line Kiosks Home shopping Merchandise Music property Tre Direct Mail Consumer Contact

9 Content and Creative Platform Use both of product and emotional benefit. Emotional benefit as core platform. –Product benefit: benefits as best solution for better teeth. –Emotional benefit: Healthy, comfort and sure with. Proposed tagline: “Dengan cara kecil kami sendiri, kami akan membuat dunia menjadi tempat yang lebih baik ”

10 Media Strategy

11 TV Program

12 TV Strategy Use “ Lokal TV ” as main TV Media National TV as back up strategy Personal Branding via talkshow TVC use capacity as public figure Content: How important “My Fun Product” for everyone.

13 Radio Program

14 Why Radio? Unique medium with unique effects: personal, transitory etc. Customize program for certain product Low budget with relatively effective result Lack of technical visual effect and complicated massege

15 Radio spec Use all ABCDE segment Radios national wide Teens Radio: Prambors, MTV Sky Female Radio: Female Yuppies : Hard Rock, Indika General : Sonora, Dakta

16 Radio Program All content creative about Product development and “My Fun Product” Radio spot with product and emotional benefit approach match for all segmented target Radio Time Signal with massage as the part of the content Radio Talk show to introducing product to listener Radio Quiz or Karaoke contest use Product Jingle and Product Tagline as password. Use product packaging as entry point to become quiz participants –Note: Difficulty for AB Class segment to applied this kind of program. Need Special Prizes to drive the response from AB segment

17 Time Signal Radio insertion program, appearing frequently in exact time. Program anatomy : Time Signal Time Announcement Massage from product Sponsor spot Time slot at minute zero or 30.

18 Online and Socmed

19 Why Online and Socmed? Internet and socmed increasing usage Perceived as AB Segment media Product will perceived as modern and update product Customize program for certain product and wide range of creative possibility Low budget with relatively effective result

20 Online and Socmed Socmed activity with twitter and facecook Interactive online quiz (puzzle or simple game) use product and brand as the main part of the game Clickable Web banner with product and emotional benefit approach match for all segmented target to refers another interactive web. Mini site about the campaign Backup media for Radio and TV Program

21 Print Media

22 Print Media Campaign Display in National newspapers and magazines advertorial Type advertising program about the campaign Back up media for web quiz and Radio program

23 Thanks Lets Discuss!

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