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Presentasi berjudul: "PERAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN DALAM BIDANG EKONOMI DAN SOSIAL"— Transcript presentasi:


2 Menurut Anda, bagaimanakah cara meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing perekonomian Indonesia ?

WHAT ENTREPRENEURS DO? Poverty Alleviation Taxes/Govt. Revenues Higher Productivity & Innovations EMPLOYMENT & INCOME GENERATION Output & Exports ENTERPRISES Wealth ENTREPRENEURS

4 Peran Kewirausahaan Terjadi perubahan struktur perekonomian, dimana prinsip skala ekonomis yang dikuasi perusahaan besar mulai digeser oleh prinsip fleksibilitas dan inovasi perusahaan kecil menengah Kewirausahaan sering dikaitkan dengan fungsi-fungsi Inovasi dlm pencarian kombinasi faktor-faktor ekonomi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia Pengelolaan sumber daya secara efektif dan menguntungkan melalui penciptaan usaha baru Penciptaan kesejahteraan melalui pembukaan lapangan pekerjaan Namun wirausaha tidak hanya berada di dalam aktivitas ekonomi tetapi ia juga berada pada kehidupan sosial

5 Hirarki Peran Kewirausahaan
Political change and leadership Social and cultural endeavours Non profit organization Profit-making venture Scope of activity (Wickham,1998)

6 Peran kewirausahaan dalam inovasi
Wirausaha sebagai disruptor Wirausaha sebagai opportunity identifier Wirausaha sebagai risk taker Wiruasaha sebagai resources shifter Wiruasaha sebagai breakthrough innovator

7 Inovasi & Perubahan “innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service” (Drucker, 1997) Dalam bisnis inovasi berarti A new way of delivering an existing product or service A new way of informing the consumer about a product and promoting it to them New ways of organizing labor and capital in order to produce the product or service New approach to managing relationship with consumers and others organization

8 Type Perusahaan berdasarkan tingkat Inovasi
Elephant-the typical large, slow growth companies that unresponsive to change in the economy Mice-small, no-growth firms Gazelles-new ventures that grow rapidly and are based on significant innovation

9 Peran Kewirausahaan dalam Ekonomi
Create job Shape innovation Speed up structural change in economy Create new competition Entrepreneur as a catalyst of economy growth and national competitiveness

10 Daya Saing Ekonomi World Economic Forum (WEF) adalah salah satu lembaga yang melakukan pemeringkatan posisi daya saing suatu negara Daya saing (competitiveness) menurut WEF adalah “the set of institutions, policies, and factors that determine the level of productivity of a country.” Sedangkan pengertian tingkat produktifitas (the level of productivity) adalah “the level of prosperity that can be earned by an economy”. .


12 Tingkat Daya Saing Ekonomi berdasar Kunci Pertumbuhan
Factor subsistence agriculture to extraction of natural resources, creating regional scale-intensive agglomeration Increased industrialization and economies of scale. Large firms dominate, but supply chain niches open up for SME R&D, knowledge intensity, and expanding service sector. Greater potential for innovative entrepreneurial activity Factor -driven Efficiency-driven Innovation-driven Basic requirement Efficiency enhancers Entrepreneurship conditions

13 Daya saing Ekonomi Indonesia




17 Komposisi Skala Usaha di Beberapa Negara Maju
No Country Members Enterprise Scale Micro Small Medium MSME % Large Total 1 Denmark 184,556 22,823 4,027 211,406 99.66% 723 0.34% 212,129 2 Finland 198,298 12,551 2,316 213,165 99.72% 609 0.28% 213,774 3 Germany 1,510,416 255,771 43,727 1,809,914 99.51% 8,995 0.49% 1,818,909 4 Italy 3,688,688 194,037 20,006 3,902,731 99.92% 3,104 0.08% 3,905,835 5 Japan 117,231 110,023 26,332 253,586 98.23% 4,571 1.77% 258,157 6 Nederland 482,035 48,300 8,405 538,740 99.71% 1,550 0.29% 540,290 7 UK 1,468,612 168,444 27,483 1,664,539 99.64% 6,083 0.36% 1,670,622 8 Sweden 527,618 27,340 4,861 559,819 99.82% 1,012 0.18% 560,831 9 Spain 2,511,563 175,521 22,008 2,709,092 99.88% 3,305 0.12% 2,712,397

18 MSME share of total enterprise MSME share of total workforce
Kontribusi UMKM thd Export, thd keseluruhan perusahaan, dan thd penciptaan lapangan pekerjaan di beberapa negara Asia-Pasifik Country MSME share in Export MSME share of total enterprise MSME share of total workforce China 69.2 99.0 74.5 India 40.0 n.a Malaysia 19.0 99.2 59.0 Pakistan 30.0 97.9 78.5 Republic of Korea 39.0 99.9 87.7 Singapore 16.0 91.5 51.8 Taiwan Province of China 17.0 97.8 77.2 Thailand 30.6 99.6 69.0 Viet Nam 20.0 77.3 Micronesia (Federated states of) >90.0

19 Komposisi Unit Usaha di Indonesia 2005-2011
No. Year Enterprises Scale Micro Small Medium MSME % Large Total 1 2005 45,217,567 1,694,008 105,487 47,017,062 99.99 5,022 0.01 47,022,084 2 2006 48,512,438 472,602 36,763 49,021,803 4,577 49,026,380 3 2007 49,608,953 498,565 38,282 50,145,800 4,463 50,150,263 4 2008 50,847,771 522,124 39,717 51,409,612 4,650 51,414,262 5 2009 52,176,795 546,675 41,133 52,764,603 4,677 52,769,280 6 2010 53,823,732 573,601 42,631 99,99 4,838 0,01 53,828,569 7 2011 55,206,444 602,195 44,280 4,952 55,211,396

20 Jumlah Tenaga Kerja di Indonesia berdasarkan skala usaha , 2005-2012
No. Year Enterprises Scale Micro Small Medium MSME % Large Total 1 2005 69,966,508 9,204,786 4,415,322 83,586,616 96.8 2,719,209 3.15% 86,305,825 2 2006 82,071,144 3,139,711 2,698,743 87,909,598 97.3 2,441,181 2.70% 90,350,779 3 2007 84,452,002 3,278,793 2,761,135 90,491,930 97.2 2,535,411 2.73% 93,027,341 4 2008 87,810,366 3,519,843 2,694,069 94,024,278 97.1 2,756,205 2.85% 96,780,483 5 2009 90,012,694 3,521,073 2,677,565 96,211,332 2,674,671 98,886,003 6 2010 93,014,749 3,627,164 2, 99,401,775 97,2 2,839,711 2,78 102,241,486 7 2011 94,957,797 3,919,992 2,844,669 101,722,458 2,891,224 2,76 104,613,681

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