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Signaling STEI - ITB Tutun Juhana – Program Studi Teknik Telekomunikasi
Definition The IEEE defines signaling as the exchange of information specifically concerned with the establishment and control of connections and the transfer of user-to-user and management information in a telecommunication network Conventional signaling has evolved with the telephone network ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
With telephony, signaling is broken down in three functional areas:
Supervisory Address Call progress: audible-visual Another signaling breakdown is Subscriber signaling Interswitch (interregister) signaling ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Supervisory Signaling
Supervisory signaling provides information on line or circuit condition It informs a switch whether a circuit (internal to the switch) or a trunk (external to the switch) is busy or idle, when a called party is off-hook or on-hook, and when a calling party is on-hook or off-hook ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Address Signaling Address signaling directs and routes a telephone call to the called subscriber It originates as dialed digits or activated push-buttons from a calling subscriber The local switch accepts these digits and, by using the information contained in the digits, directs the call to the called subscriber If more than one switch is involved in the call setup, signaling is required between switches (both address and supervisory) Address signaling between switches is called interregister signaling ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Call Progress: Audible-Visual
This type of signaling we categorize in the forward direction and in the backward direction In the forward direction there is alerting This provides some sort of audible-visual means of informing the called subscriber that there is a telephone call waiting This is often done by ringing a telephone’s bell A buzzer, chime, or light may also be used for alerting. ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
In the backward direction, among these are audible tones or voice announcements that will inform the calling subscriber the following: Ringback This tells the calling subscriber that the distant telephone is ringing. Busyback This tells the calling subscriber that the called line is busy ATB-All Trunks Busy There is congestion on the routing. Sometimes a recorded voice announcement is used here. Loud Warble on Telephone Instrument—Timeout This occurs when a telephone instrument has been left off-hook unintentionally ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Klasifikasi Signaling
Signalling Subscriber - exchange Exchange - exchange Channel associated Common channel ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
between Subscriber and exchange
Areas of Signaling There are mainly three areas of signaling during a telephone call : between subscribers and exchanges. within exchanges. between exchanges. between exchanges Exchange A Exchange B between Subscriber and exchange within exchange ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Subscriber – Exchange Signaling
Dari pelanggan ke sentral Informasi kondisi off-hook Informasi nomor B (nomor tujuan) Informasi jumlah uang yang dimasukkan (khusus untuk payphone) Informasi kondisi on-hook ketika panggilan usai Dari sentral ke pelanggan A (nomor pemanggil) Informasi bahwa sentral siap menerima nomor B Informasi mengenai status B (busy atau tidak) Informasi kongesti atau interception Sinyal charging (khusus untuk payphone) Dari sentral ke pelanggan B Sinyal ringing untuk menarik perhatian pelanggan B ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
A B sentral Pelanggan A mengangkat telepon, hal ini dapat berarti
A ingin menghubungi seseorang Pesawat A berbunyi lalu menjawab Sentral dapat mendeteksi keadaan telepon apakah merupakan panggilan atau jawaban Sentral menanggapi panggilan dengan mengirimkan dial tone A mengirimkan digit nomor B (B number) Sentral menganalisa digit lalu mencek apakah B ada dan tidak busy. Ringing tone dikirimkan ke A sedangkan sinyal ringing ke B B mengangkat handset, sentral mendeteksinya sebagai jawaban Ketika A dan B menyimpan handset, sentral mendeteksi sebagai sinyal clear lalu koneksi diputuskan Off-hook Dialling tone N O M O R Ringing tone Ringing signal ~425Hz ~90V, Hz answer conversation Clear forward Clear back ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Off-Hook Signaling (Analog)
Loop Start (almost all telephones) Seizure is detected when current flows through local loop, due to off-hook Ground Start (antar PBX (Private Branch Exchange) atau antara PBX dengan Sentral Lokal) Seizure (upaya pendudukan kanal komunikasi) is detected when one wire is grounded Seizure can be initiated in both directions Untuk mengindikasikan status on/off-hook ke sentral lokal Ground Start Source: Cisco Interactive Mentor ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Ground Start Loop Start Switch Switch ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Exchange – exchange Signaling
Channel Associated Signalling (CAS) Common Channel Signalling (CCS) ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Channel Associated Signaling
Signaling dilakukan menggunakan kanal yang juga digunakan untuk mentransfer informasi ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Channel Asociated Signalling
Informasi speech dan informasi signalling mengalir melalui jalur yang sama Beberapa macam CAS Signalling dilakukan secara bersama pada kanal untuk speech (DC signalling, inband) Signalling dilakukan pada kanal yang sama dengan speech tetapi menggunakan frekuensi yang berbeda (out-band) Contoh: Signalling dilakukan melalui timeslot 16 (PCM signalling) ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Pelanggan B Pelanggan A sentral sentral seizure Seizure acknowledgment
B number answer conversation Clear back B- hangs up Clear forward A- hangs up ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Forward and Reverse direction
Forward signal mengalir dari sentral telepon tempat A berada menuju sentral telepon tempat B berada Backward signal mengalir pada arah yang berlawanan dengan forward signal ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Common Channel Signaling
Signaling menggunakan kanal yang terpisah dari kanal untuk mentransfer informasi Terdapat jaringan signaling tersendiri ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Signaling System NO. 7 Signaling System Number 7 (SS #7)
ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
It is a data network entirely dedicated to interswitch signaling
Signaling System No. 7 (SS No. 7) was developed to meet the stringent signaling requirements of the all-digital network based on the 64-kbps channel It is a data network entirely dedicated to interswitch signaling ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
SS No. 7 is described as an international standardized general-purpose common-channel signaling system that: Is optimized for operation with digital networks where switches used stored-program control (SPC) Can meet present and future requirements of information transfer for interprocessor transactions with digital communications networks for call control, remote control, network database access and management, and maintenance signaling Provides a reliable means of information transfer in correct sequence without loss or duplication ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
CCS7 Network Components
The CCS7 Network consists of the following Components : SP -Signaling Point : The SP is the source or originating entity of the signaling message. STP-Signaling Transit Point : These entities transfer the signaling message to another SP or STP without processing the signaling message. SRP – Signaling Relay Point : These are STPs with ability tp process the signaling message. SEP – Signaling End Point : The SEP is defined to be the terminating point of the signaling message ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
CCS7 Network Architecture
A typical SS7 network is a mixture of various SPs STPs SRPs and SEPs, As shown below : STP (SPC=200) SP (SPC=100) SEP (SPC=500) SRP (SPC=400) STP (SPC=300) ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
CCS7 Terminologies SPC : SPC is defined as signaling point code which uniquely identifies each element within the SS7 network. Signaling Links : The signaling links transmit signaling messages between the communicating entities. Signaling Link Set : A signaling link set is a collection of signaling links between two signaling entities. Signaling Route : A signaling route is defined to be the path through which signaling messages are exchanged between two entities. There can be multiple signaling routes between two SPCs, wherein there will be one primary route and several alternate routes. ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
SS7 Routing Modes Associated Mode :
In the associated mode, the signaling link is routed together with the circuit group belonging to the link. In other words, the signaling link is directly connected to signaling points which are also the terminal points of the circuit group. This mode of signaling is recommended when the capacity of the traffic relation between the signaling points A and B is heavily utilized. Associated Mode of Signaling ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
SS7 Routing Modes Quasi associated mode :
In the quasi-associated mode of signaling, the signaling link and the circuit group run along different routes, the circuit group connecting the signaling point. A is directly connected with the signaling point B. For this mode the signaling, the circuit group is carried out via one or more defined signaling transfer points. This signaling mode is favorable for traffic relations with low capacity utilization, as the various signaling links can be used for several destinations. ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
SS7 Network Structure ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi SPC=100 SPC=700
NAT 1 NAT 1 SPC=300 SPC=200 SPC=800 SPC=900 SPC=800 SPC=100 NAT 0 SPC=100 SPC=400 SPC=400 SPC=100 SPC=600 NAT 1 SPC=300 INAT 0 SPC=500 SPC=200 ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
SS7 Protocol Structure SS7 protocol stack can be broadly divided into two main categories : A ) MTP – Message Transfer Part : The message transfer part has three levels , namely MTP Layer 1, Layer 2 and Layer 3. The message transfer part (MTP) represents a user-neutral means of transport for messages between the users. B ) User Parts (UP) : Each user part (UP) encompasses the functions, protocols and coding for the signaling via SS7 for a specific user type (e.g. data service, ISDN). In this way, the user parts control the set-up and release of circuit connections, the processing of facilities as well as administration and maintenance functions for the circuits. ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
SS7 Protocol Structure SS7 Users M U P SCCP
I S U P B S A P TCAP Users M U P Other User Parts TCAP SCCP MTP Layer 3 (Network Management) MTP Layer 2 (Signaling Link) MTP Layer 1 (Signaling Data Link) ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
Contoh signaling CCS#7 ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
IAM: Paket pertama yang membawa informasi nomor B Sisa nomor berikutnya dibawa oleh SAM ACM: Paket yang berisi konfirmasi dari sentral B bahwa seluruh digit sudah diterima; selain itu paket ini berisi pula informasi apakah panggilan dapat di-charge atau tidak juga apakah pelanggan tujuan sibuk atau tidak Ketika pelanggan B off-hook, sentral B mengirimkan sinyal ACN untuk mengaktifkan charging ET2080 Jaringan Telekomunikasi
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