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Center of Young Scientists Mummy Method for Determination of 3D Irregular Body Surface Area Pasca Nadia Fitri, et. al. Pandapotan Harahap, M.Pd., M.P.Fis.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Center of Young Scientists Mummy Method for Determination of 3D Irregular Body Surface Area Pasca Nadia Fitri, et. al. Pandapotan Harahap, M.Pd., M.P.Fis."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Center of Young Scientists Mummy Method for Determination of 3D Irregular Body Surface Area Pasca Nadia Fitri, et. al. Pandapotan Harahap, M.Pd., M.P.Fis. MAN 2 MODEL MEDAN

2 Statement of the Problem How to determine surface area without a function or formula? How to determine surface area of irregular 3D body? Is it useful for 2D surface?

3 Project Overview It is easy to determine a surface area for 2D body using formula, especially for basic shapes, such as: rectangle, circle, trapezium etc. It is difficult to determine surface area of 2D irregular shapes form such of as leaf, palm etc. It is more difficult for 3D irregular shapes form such of as stone, potato etc. If using integral method, the function must be determined. Mummy method is not too different with basic shapes area determination nor integral method. It is just using a long narrow ribbon for coverage the body.

4 Research Using a long thread as narrow ribbon can coverage 3D body surface Surface are is equal to the thread diameter times it’s long The method was applied to stone, potato and leaf As the comparison, the method was applied for basic shapes 2D and 3D: rectangle, trapezium and ball. There is no different results for using the mummy method and counting surface area theoretically.

5 Variables  Controlled variables: surface are of rectangle, trapezium, limas and ball.  Independent variable: surface are of rectangle, trapezium, limas and ball results by used mummy methods.

6 Hypothesis There is no significant difference results between 3D area surface using mummy method and using formula for basic shapes theoretically.

7 Materials  Small Ribbon 100 m  Thread 100 m  Thick paper2 m 2  Ball3 pieces  Stone3 pieces  Potato3 pieces  Glue1 bottle  Scissor1 unit  Ruler1 unit  Plane Metal1 m 2  Volume GlassBeaker1 unit  Water1 L

8 Procedure (1)  Menghitung Luas Benda 2D (theoretically) Langkah-langkah: 1) mengukur panjang sisi-sisi persegi panjang 2) mengukur panjang sisi-sisi trapesium 3) menghitung luas persegi panjang dan trapesium 4) mencatat hasil perhitungan dalam tabel.  Menentukan Luas Benda 3D (theoretically) Langkah-langkah: 1) mengukur sisi-sisi limas 2) mengukur panjang diameter bola 3) menghitung luas limas dan bola 4) mencatat hasil perhitungan dalam tabel.

9 Procedure (2)  Menentukan Luas Benda 2D (using method) Langkah-langkah: 1) memberi lem tipis pada trapesium 2) melilitkan benang pada trapesium 3) mengukur panjang dan diameter benang 4) menentukan luas trapesium  Menentukan Luas Benda 3D (using method) Langkah-langkah: 1) memberi lem tipis pada bola 2) melilitkan benang pada bola 3) mengukur panjang benang yang dililitkan 4) menentukan luas bola 5) mencatat hasil perhitungan dalam tabel.

10 Procedure (3)  Menentukan Luas Benda 2D (using method) Langkah-langkah: 1) memberi lem tipis pada trapesium 2) melilitkan benang pada trapesium 3) mengukur panjang dan diameter benang 4) menentukan luas trapesium  Menentukan Luas Benda 3D (using method) Langkah-langkah: 1) memberi lem tipis pada bola 2) melilitkan benang pada bola 3) mengukur panjang benang yang dililitkan 4) menentukan luas bola 5) mencatat hasil perhitungan dalam tabel.

11 Data/Observations  It is easier to understand the data if it is put into a table or graph. Create a graph in Microsoft Excel and import it here.  Make sure all data is clearly labeled.

12 Conclusion Type a brief summary here of what you discovered based on the results of your experiments. You need to indicate whether or not the data supports the hypothesis and explain why or why not.

13 Works Cited Be sure to include print and electronic sources and put them in alphabetical order.

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